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Center for Global and Intercultural Study
Center for Global and Intercultural Study
Meet Our Staff
Student Staff
About Us
Meet Our Staff
Student Staff
CGIS Mission Statement
A Letter from the Directors
Land Acknowledgement Statement
Giving Opportunities
CGIS Diversity Handbook (Region Specific)
Eastern Europe
Western Europe
Middle East and North Africa (MENA)
Sub-Saharan Africa
Latin America
Undergraduate Students
Explore CGIS Programs
Africa & The Middle East
Multi -Country
Global Course Connections (GCC)
Global Intercultural Experience for Undergraduates (GIEU)
CGIS Customized Programs
Explore Programs By Major
Afroamerican and African Studies
Art History
Asian Studies
Cognitive Science
Computer Science
Communication & Media
Creative Writing
Earth and Environmental Sciences
Ecology, Evolution, and Biodiversity (EEB)
Film, Television and Media
German Studies
Health & Pre-Health
International Studies
Latin America & Caribbean Studies
Middle East and North Africa Studies
Multidisciplinary Studies
Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE)
Political Science
Psychology & Biopsychology, Cognition, and Neuroscience (BCN)
Romance Languages (French, Italian, Portuguese & Spanish)
Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies
Russian Language, Literature, and Culture
Organizational Studies
Biology, Health, & Society (BHS)
Judaic Studies
Non-LSA Majors/Minors
Statistics and Data Science
Natural Sciences
Social Sciences
Interdisciplinary Studies
Internships Abroad
Summer Internships: CGIS International Internships
Study + Internships
Language Requirements
Getting Started
Financial Aid and Scholarships
More Scholarships!
Financial Aid Request Process
Navigating Financial Aid & Scholarships for CGIS Programs
Health and Safety
Alcohol and Substance Abuse
Avoiding Crime
Dating, Sex, and Sexual Harassment/Assault
Disabilities and Accommodations
Driving and Transporation
Emergencies Abroad
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Food Safety and Allergies
GeoBlue Health Insurance
Independent Travel
Mental Health
Online Health, Safety and Well-Being Resources
Pre-Departure Checklist
Pre-Departure Health Requirements
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Self-Disclosure & Confidentiality of Health Information
Transgender & Non-Binary Student Considerations
Traveling with Technology
Travel Destination Designations
Travel Health Prep Guide
Health & Safety Alerts
Identities Abroad
Disabilities and Accommodations Abroad
First-Generation Students Abroad
Gender Identities Abroad
Heritage-Seeking Students Abroad
LGBTQ+ Identities Abroad
Racial and Ethnic Identities Abroad
Religious Identities Abroad
Preparing to travel
Air Travel
Capturing/Sharing Your Experience & Ethical Photography
Culture Shifts
Financial Planning
First-Time Travelers
Airport Arrival
Before You Fly
In Flight
Layovers and Customs
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The CGIS Blog Archives
Czech Republic
Study Abroad in Scandinavia (DIS)
Arts in Paris
Black Paris
French 230 in Grenoble
French 232 in Rennes
Intermediate French in Grenoble
Intermediate French in Grenoble
College Year in Athens: Summer
College Year in Athens: Summer
College Year in Athens: Summer
College Year in Athens: Summer
Global Course Connections (GCC) in Tokyo, Japan (Environmental History)
GIEU Vietnam — Community Development and Entrepreneurship
GIEU Vietnam — Community Development and Entrepreneurship
Global Intercultural Experience for Undergraduates (GIEU) Vietnam — Community Development and Entrepreneurship
Global Intercultural Experience for Undergraduates (GIEU) Vietnam — Community Development and Entrepreneurship
United Kingdom
Contemporary London
Contemporary London
Contemporary London
Contemporary London
Contemporary London
Contemporary London
Contemporary London
Contemporary London
Contemporary London
Contemporary London
Contemporary London
Contemporary London
Contemporary London
GCC UK: Int'l Perspectives on Health & Health Care
GCC UK: Int'l Perspectives on Health & Health Care
GCC UK: Int'l Perspectives on Health & Health Care
GCC UK: Int'l Perspectives on Health & Health Care
GCC UK: Int'l Perspectives on Health & Health Care
Contemporary London
GCC UK: Int'l Perspectives on Health & Health Care
Identities Abroad
I am: American
Being Black Abroad: Europe Edition
Chronic Illness Abroad
Mental Health Abroad
STEM Summer Research in Dublin
Incoming Exchange Students
About UM and CGIS
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Ann Arbor and the Area
Campus Life and Housing
Policies and Behavior
CGIS Ambassador Program
Returning From Abroad
Sharing Your Experience
Credits & Transcripts
Career Planning
Going Abroad Again
CGIS Pre-Departure Orientation
Callie Rouse
Cierra Murphy
Joy Richardson
Ellyse Vogel
Juliana Mesa
Will Clancy
Rachel Reuter
Breakout Sessions
Money Management Abroad
Coping With Change
Career Development
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Past Sessions
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Finding Community Abroad
Body Diversity Abroad
Black Hair Abroad
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Faculty-Led Program Proposals
News and Events
CGIS Blog & News
Search News
CGIS in Senegal
Diversity @ CGIS: Year in Review
International Education Week 2015
Diversity @ CGIS: Summer Bridge Connections
Happy Holidays from CGIS
Paris Provides Setting for Serendipitous Encounter
Fulfill Your LSA Language Requirements Abroad This Spring and Summer
Faces of Study Abroad Video Premiere
Gilman Scholar Heads to Chile, Gilman Workshop for Summer Awards
CGIS Winter 2017 Program Applications Are Open
Three CGIS Returnees Named 2016 Students of the Year
Prestigious Bonderman Fellowship Awarded to Four LSA Seniors
Welcome (Back) to Campus
CGIS Study Abroad Fair
Escaping with Theater
CGIS Director Receives Volunteer Award
Bonderman Fellowship Applications Open
CGIS Photo Contest Winners
New Study Abroad Programs in Sports
9 Reasons You Should Study Abroad
Express Advising with CGIS & Newnan!
First Step Sessions begin Sept. 5th!
Flashback Friday: William on Intensive Arabic Language and Culture in Amman, Jordan
Flashback Friday: Rachael on Liberal Arts in Athens, Greece
Flashback Friday: Jordan on Brazilian Studies and Portuguese Language in Sao Paulo, Brazil
Flashback Friday: Magdalena on Advanced Language and Culture in Madrid, Spain
Throwback Thursday: Ana on University Study: St. Andrews
Throwback Thursday: Living with a Host Family (Sarah on GIEU Uganda)
Throwback Thursday: Williamena on Contemporary London
Throwback Thursday: Building Connections Through Study Abroad (Asia on GCC: Japan)
Flashback Friday: New Perspectives (Brigitte on GIEU Israel and West Bank)
Flashback Friday: Life in China (Heather on ASIANLAN 203 in Nanjing)
Flashback Friday: Abroad in the time of Brexit (Zoe on Kings College London)
Flashback Friday: Dos and Don'ts (Reid on Spanish 230 in Granada)
Throwback Thursday: Mi Bonito Barrio (Anna in Spain)
Throwback Thursday: Toledo, No, Not Ohio (Ashley in Spain)
Throwback Thursday: Week One in Salamanca (Ashley in Spain)
Recording the Journey by Bailey Burke, LSA ‘23
Flashback Friday: GCC in Rio de Janeiro and Florianópolis, Brazil (Theatre & Incarceration)
Flashback Friday: Azia speaks on being Black in Costa Rica
Flashback Friday: Molly discusses identity, ethnicity and mental health in Argentina
Flashback Friday: Allyson explores anxiety as a foreigner in Czechia
Throwback Thursday: Phoebe's take on Health and Community in Argentina, South Africa, Vietnam, and the U.S.
Throwback Thursday: Jonathan talks about being Vietnamese American in South Africa
Stockholm vs. Copenhagen: How Do They Compare?
Flashback Friday: Kelsey Pease - I am: A Transfer Student
Flashback Friday: Hira Khan - I am: Muslim
Flashback Friday: Emmanuel Saint-Phard - I am: Black
Flashback Friday: Thu Tran - I am: A Heritage Seeker
Throwback Thursday: Taiye reflects on her spring term in Cuba
Flashback Friday: Illya reflects on Cross Cultural Psychology in the Czech Republic
Flashback Friday: Haleigh shares about volunteering with the HOME Project in Athens
How to Save Money While Studying Abroad in Barcelona
Throwback Thursday: Rachael shares story of final night in Athens
Some Food for Thought: Eating My Way Through Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Flashback Friday: Jordan shares about classes in Brazil from Brazilian Studies & Portuguese Language
Flashback Friday: Alana explores differences between African Americans and Black Londoners
Things To Do in DIS: Copenhagen, Denmark and DIS: Stockholm, Sweden
Student perspectives about scholarships and identity from GCC: Environmental History in Tokyo, 2019
Throwback Thursday: Alexander reflects on his Advanced Spanish semester abroad in Buenos Aires
Throwback Thursday: Anna discusses her experience studying in Khon Kaen, Thailand
Student perspectives about scholarships and identity from GCC: Korean Campus Life in Seoul, South Korea in 2019
A Conversation With Chloe Collon: Advanced Language and Culture in Madrid, Spain
A Conversation With Bridget, Sarah, Sonya, and Caitlyn: Advanced Language and Culture in Granada, Spain
CGIS Advisor Juliana Mesa’s site visit to Spain and her takeaways
A Conversation with Marne Fox: University Study at Stockholm University
A Conversation with Caitlyn, Megha, and Lauren: A semester in DIS: Copenhagen
A Conversation with Shannon Higgins: A semester in DIS: Stockholm
Faculty Feature: French Language in Grenoble, France and Aix-en-Provence, France
Dancing her way through Spain: How the language of bachata enabled Leah to connect to the culture and community in Madrid
How I studied abroad with an Autoimmune Disease
Rude? No, Just Curious. Disrespectful? No, Just Learning: My Experience Managing “Rude” Interactions in a Culture Where They Were Normalized
Embracing Transformative Journeys: My Unforgettable Spanish 230 Experience in Granada, Spain
Faculty Feature: Monsters in London
Your Guide to Le Musée de Grenoble
Embrace the Independence! How To: Getting Around in South Korea with Useful Apps
Your Guide to Melbourne, Australia
Before, During, and After Barcelona
Preparing for Your Time Abroad
A Conversation with Yiran Yang: Studying Computer Science in Prague, Czech Republic
Turn Back Tuesday! Logan reflects on her spring term in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Throwback Thursday: Alexander Recalls his time studying in Buenos Aires
A Conversation with Ellie Richard: Summer Dublin Internship Program in Dublin, Ireland
Turn Back Tuesday: Emmanuel discusses racism and being Black in France
A Conversation with Madisyn Travis: Fulfilling the LSA Language Requirement in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Turn Back Tuesday: Central European Studies at Charles University in Prague, Czechia (UPCES)
Cultural Insights and Personal Growth: Reflections from GIEU Brazil
3-Minute Travel Guide: Tropical Island Biodiversity Studies in Isla Colón, Panama
3-Minute Travel Guide: University Study in Australia - University of New South Wales
3-Minute Travel Guide: University Study in Spain - UAB
3-Minute Travel Guide: Summer Study in Scandinavia
3-Minute Travel Guide: Advanced Language and Culture in Granada, Spain
Turn Back Tuesday: Ryan Reflects on Self-Exploration While Studying Abroad in Paris, France
Turn Back Tuesday: Adam shares his experience as a first time traveler in London
Throwback Thursday: Tazia reconstructions her time during GIEU Program in Vietnam
3-Minute Travel Guide: Tropical Island Biodiversity Studies in Isla Colón, Panama
3-Minute Travel Guide: Tropical Island Biodiversity Studies in Isla Colón, Panama
The Value of Language: What a Machine Can’t Grasp
La Vie Française: Life With My French Host Family
My Eye-Opening Experience in Costa Rica
From Ann Arbor to Copenhagen
A Conversation with Caitlin and Isaiah: Humanities and Social Sciences at Charles University in Prague
How Bad are the Bugs? And other FAQs about Australian Wildlife
Transportation in Granada
3-Minute Travel Guide: Global Internship with Sage Corps in Berlin, Germany
3-Minute Travel Guide: Global Internship with Sage Corps in Berlin, Germany
3-Minute Travel Guide: DIS Semester in Stockholm
3-Minute Travel Guide: Multidisciplinary Studies in Perugia, Italy
Self Growth in Taipei, Taiwan - Summer 2024 Immersive Chinese: Language Study + Internship
Deciding on Tropical Island Biodiversity Studies, Panama (and being torn between a traditional European study abroad)
LSA Study Abroad as a Nursing Major: CYA Summer Study Abroad in the Greek Isles
A Journey Through Prague and Beyond: IFSA tech accelerator program reflection
3-Minute Travel Guide: Social Sciences in Amsterdam
3-Minute Travel Guide: Italian 230 in Siena
3-Minute Travel Guide: International Relations, Humanities, and Social Sciences in Aix-en-Provence, France
Embracing the Dark: Winter Days in Denmark
3-Minute Travel Guide: Academic Year Waseda University Tokyo, Japan
3-Minute Travel Guide: Advanced Spanish in Santiago de Compostela, Spain
3-Minute Travel Guide: EcoQuest Field Studies (Ecology in Action)
A Conversation with Gloria: Wildlife Management Studies with the School for Field Studies (Rhotia, Tanzania)
Through the Lens: My University of Oxford Experience on Film
3-Minute Travel Guide: Italian 230 in Siena
How To
Places To Go & Things To Do
Africa & The Middle East
All Events
Post-Decision Requirement Timeline
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Celebrating 10 years of Global Education & Engagement!
I Am Study Abroad