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Biology, Health, & Society (BHS)

The Program in Biology recognizes the immense personal and professional value of education abroad, and we encourage our students to explore these opportunities for the growth and experience they can provide.

Biology does not maintain a list of pre-approved Study Abroad programs or courses for fulfilling major/minor requirements. Requests for approval are reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and we welcome requests prior to program enrollment via the form below.

Please note the following:

  • 100-level courses will not count toward major or minor requirements. If taken abroad, introductory biology courses may be evaluated for equivalency to BIOLOGY 171, 172, and/or 173 only.
  • Effective February 1, 2018, 300- and 400-level biology courses will not be evaluated. University of Michigan upper-level courses are most representative of the research specialties of the U-M biology faculty and are seen as “uniquely Michigan” and crucial to a U-M Program in Biology major.
  • Exceptions will be considered only for courses that meet the spirit of the requirement, i.e. the breadth and depth of the requirement’s curricular goal.
  • The Evaluation Committee will carefully consider individual situations but strives to maintain the quality of the programs and consistency and fairness among students. If you have read and understand these policies, and you believe your experience abroad qualifies for evaluation, please submit a Study Abroad Evaluation Form. Note you will need to obtain a detailed syllabus from the instructor or institution (this can be an electronic copy, a link, or a paper copy). Incomplete or missing information may cause a delay. A detailed syllabus includes:
    • Instructor’s name,
    • Term class was offered,
    • Textbook used,
    • Days and times of lectures, discussions, labs,
    • Number and duration of exams,
    • Basis of grading, and,
    • A day-by-day schedule of topics covered (i.e., what you covered each time you met in class)

Questions? Email [email protected].

Want to explore Winter programs that are a good fit for BHS students? Check out our video below:

CGIS Next Steps: Attend a First Step session where you will learn general information about studying abroad through CGIS. Once you've attended a First Step session, you can schedule an appointment with a CGIS advisor who will be able to help you through the application process and can address any of your questions or concerns in relations to curriculum, navigating your identity, navigating through a specific country, and so much more!