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Earth and Environmental Sciences

Check out the following regions below that offer specific programming in your desired field. The current information reflects past course offerings so please be aware that future offerings may vary. All coursework must be approved by your academic department and/or advisor.

Next Steps: Attend a First Step session where you will learn general information about studying abroad through CGIS. Once you've attended a First Step session, you can schedule an appointment with a CGIS advisor who will be able to help you through the application process and can address any of your questions or concerns in relations to curriculum, navigating your identity, navigating through a specific country, and so much more! CGIS advisors also offer open advising throughout the week for quick questions you may have.


Looking for programs perfect for studying and practicing sustainability abroad? Check out our Peer Advisor's tips below!

*Please contact [email protected] if you need a text-only version of this resource!