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Sueann Caulfield
Professor, Social Theory and Practice, and History
Angela D. Dillard
Professor, Social Theory and Practice, Richard A. Meisler Collegiate Professor of Afroamerican and African Studies, and History
Jeffrey E. Evans
Clinical Associate Professor Emeritus, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation; Instructor, RC Social Theory and Practice Program
Leila Kawar
Associate Professor, Social Theory and Practice
1516 East Quad 734-647-4351
Bob King
Lecturer, Social Theory and Practice
1615 East Quad 734.615.1466
Nora Krinitsky
Lecturer; Director, Prison Creative Arts Project Project (PCAP)
B815 East Quad 8479620980
Virginia Murphy
Lecturer, Social Theory and Practice Program; Faculty Director, East Quad Garden
Becca Pickus
Social Theory & Practice Major Advisor; General Academic Advisor; Living/Learning Issues; Mental Health Referrals
B817 East Quad 734-647-4348
Ian Robinson
Lecturer, Social Theory and Practice Program
Teresa Sanchez-Snell
Lecturer, Social Theory and Practice, and Spanish Language Internship Program Coordinator
B805 East Quad 734.647.6713
Heather Ann Thompson
Collegiate Professor of History and African American Studies in the History, Afroamerican and African Studies Departments and in the Residential College Social Theory and Practice Program
Stephen Ward
Associate Director for RC Faculty; Arthur F. Thurnau Professor; Associate Professor, Semester in Detroit, Social Theory and Practice Program; Advisor, Urban Studies minor; Faculty Director, Semester in Detroit