The RC Curriculum is composed of a diverse array of learning opportunities.
The distinctive educational mission of the RC is to enable students to develop their intellectual interests and creative talents in an environment in which they can find their own voice and relate learning with doing.
The RC faculty and staff challenge students to take the initiative in shaping their own education, to participate actively in classes and in extra-curricular programs, to think critically about what they are learning and reflectively about what they are doing, and to engage with the University community as well as the outside world.
Residential College Majors (open to all LSA students)
Graduate from the Residential College with an RC Degree! We offer 4 distinct learning tracks, as well as several minors. All RC Degree students are also LSA students and are welcome to pursue dual-majors, dual-degrees, or other academic enrichment.
RC or LSA students interested in exploring an RC Major should plan to meet with an advisor to review their individual learning goals and learn more about degree requirements.
Explore what the RC has to offer!
The Residential College curriculum offers a wide variety of courses, seminars, community experiences, workshops, and more. The RC is the perfect place to explore your interests, try something new, and take advantage of our world-class faculty.
Why not build some furniture with Ray in Visual Arts? Peruse the RC Art Gallery on a lazy afternoon? Stop by the Keene Theater and see what the Music students are rehearsing! And when in doubt, Language Coffee Hours offer a great opportunity to hang with friends while practicing your speaking skills!
Meet with an RC Advisor to explore or declare an RC major or minor:
Sign up to meet with an RC Major Advisor! Not sure yet? General advising is also available.
For other questions, you can contact The RC Academic Services Office located in 1813 East Quad (in the Admin Hallway near Greene Lounge) or call 734.763.0032.