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Catherine Brown
Professor, Arts and Ideas in the Humanities
1502 East Quad
Mark Burde
Lecturer, French, Arts and Ideas in the Humanities, First Year Writing Seminar
Carla Cribari-Assali
Lecturer II, German Intensive I & II, Humanities in Arts and Ideas, Cultural Anthropology and CBL in Social Theory and Practice
Herbert Eagle
Professor, Arts and Ideas in the Humanities Program
1518 East Quad 734.647.4426
Karein Goertz
Teaching Professor and Program Head, German; Arts and Ideas in the Humanities Program; First Year Writing Seminar
Elizabeth Goodenough
Lecturer, Arts and Ideas in the Humanities Program
Deborah Gordon-Gurfinkel
Lecturer, Founder and Director, Telling It
East Quad Room 1801 734.649.3118
Michael Gould
Professor, Music; Director, Center for World Performance Studies
Margaret Mansfield
Lecturer: Arts and Ideas in the Humanities, Art History
Jon Wells
Professor, Arts and Ideas in the Humanities Program; Professor, Afroamerican and African Studies; Professor, History
B514 East Quad
Raymond Wetzel
Lecturer, Arts and Ideas in the Humanities, Visual Arts
B506 East Quad 734.763.0883
Isaac Wingfield
Visual Arts Program Head, Lecturer, Photography
East Quad B506 734.763.0883