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Tomasz Baumiller
Professor Emeritus; Curator, Emeritus, Museum of Paleontology
1018 Research Museums Center 734.764.7543
Daniel Fisher
Claude W. Hibbard Collegiate Professor Emeritus of Paleontology, Professor Emeritus of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Professor Emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Curator Emeritus, Paleontology Mueseum, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts.
3132 Biological Sciences Building 734.764.0488
Philip Gingerich
Professor Emeritus
1222 Research Museum Center
Chris Hall
Associate Research Scientist Emeritus
Stephen Kesler
Professor Emeritus
Room 5504
1100 North University
Theodore Moore
Professor Emeritus
Room 5504B
1100 North University
Sam Mukasa
Professor Emeritus; Executive Vice President and Provost, State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry
James O'Neil
Professor Emeritus
Henry Pollack
Professor Emeritus
Room 5504
1100 North University
David Rea
Professor Emeritus
Ben van der Pluijm
Bruce R. Clark Collegiate Professor Emeritus of Geology and Professor Emeritus of the Environment
Room 4534B
1100 North University