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Staying in Touch

We are always looking for ways to engage our EARTH alumni more. An essential part of that is making sure all alumni are in the loop with the events and happenings of the department. This page lists various ways you can stay in touch.

Alumni Email List

Our alumni contact lists are are now managed by LSA, so to ensure you receive our alumni communications, we highly recommend adding or updating your contact information. This is the list we use to send our department quarterly and annual newsletters (see below for more information and archived versions of those). In addition to the newsletters, we use this email list to send information about alumni gatherings and events in Ann Arbor and around the country, and other ways to engage with EARTH students throughout the year.


If you have a question about whether you are on the email list, please reach out by emailing [email protected], or clicking the button below.

Social Media

We post regularly on our social media channels, so be sure to follow us on InstagramFacebook, and X (formerly known as Twitter).

LinkedIn EARTH Alumni Group

To stay in touch with the department and other alumni, please join our EARTH LinkedIn group. All students, former students, faculty and staff of the department are welcome to join this group.

UCAN and Connecting with Students

Looking to connect and engage with current EARTH students? Learn more about our UCAN group, the EARTH alumni-student networking platform. For more details about this platform and directions on how to join, please visit our Connecting with Students page.

Recent Quarterly Newsletters

Below you will find archived versions of the quarterly updates (emailed in January, May, and September). If you are not receiving these, please add or update your contact information.

Recent Annual Newsletters

Below you will find archived verions of the annual newsletter (mailed late in the calendar year). If you are not receiving these, please add or update your contact information.

Previous Department Newsletters