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Tomasz Baumiller
Professor Emeritus; Curator, Emeritus, Museum of Paleontology
1018 Research Museums Center 734.764.7543
Mark Caldwell
Research Administrator Intermediate
1044 East Hall, Ann Arbor MI 48109-1043 734-647-4188
Julia Cole
Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences and Chair,
Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
Room 3024
1100 North University
Rose Cory
Associate Chair for Curriculum and Undergraduate Studies
Room 1018
1100 North University
Gregory Dick
Arthur F Thurnau Professor,
Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Room 2014
1100 North University
Daniel Fisher
Claude W. Hibbard Collegiate Professor Emeritus of Paleontology, Professor Emeritus of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Professor Emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Curator Emeritus, Paleontology Mueseum, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts.
3132 Biological Sciences Building 734.764.0488
Matt Friedman
Professor of Earth and Environmental Science,
Director and Curator, Paleontology Museum
3114 Biological Sciences Building 734.764.0490
Yihe Huang
Associate Professor
Room 4534F
1100 North University
Rebecca Lange
Alexander N Halliday Collegiate Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Professor
Room 3010
1100 North University
Jie (Jackie) Li
Rodney C. Ewing Collegiate Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences,
Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences
Room 3014
1100 North University
Jeroen Ritsema
Associate Chair for Graduate Studies
Room 4534D
1100 North University
Adam C. Simon
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Earth & Environmental Sciences
Room 4506
1100 North University
Selena Smith
Associate Professor,
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Chair
Room 3508
1100 North University
Zack Spica
Henry Pollack Early Career Professor and Assistant Professor of Earth and Environmental Sciences
4534C +1-734-763-2221
Ben van der Pluijm
Bruce R. Clark Collegiate Professor Emeritus of Geology and Professor Emeritus of the Environment
Room 4534B
1100 North University
Jeffrey Wilson Mantilla
Curator, Museum of Paleontology
3118 Biological Sciences Building 734.647.7461
Youxue Zhang
James R O'Neil Collegiate Professor of Geological Sciences,
Room 3018
1100 North University