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Nawal Ahmed
Associate Representative
Yaqub Ahmedfiqi
Diversity Affairs Officer, Elected Representative, Chief of Staff, External Relations and Communications Committee Vice-Chair
Gigi Alaish
Associate Representative
Jacob Amspaugh
Associate Representative
Ahmed Ashraf
Associate Representative
Mollie Berglund
External Relations Officer
Dylan Bernstein
Associate Representative, Internal Review Committee Vice-Chair, Webmaster
(310) 433-1181
Amr Brown
Diversity Affairs Officer
Tao Chen
Associate Representative
Robert Coulter
Associate Representative
Naina Dhawan
Student Life Relations Officer
Gabriel Ervin
Associate Representative, LSA Annual Scholarship Task Force Vice-Chair
Zackariah Farah
Vice President (2021-2022)
Tyler Fioritto
Elected Representative, Judiciary Organization and Election Code Subcommittee Vice-Chair
Noah Gadola
Associate Representative
Jiaqi Huang
Associate Representative, Subcommittee on Technology, Advising, and Academic Resources Vice-Chair
Jackson Jonker
Academic Affairs Officer
Farah Kareem
Associate Representative
Joo Hyun Kim
Elected Representative, Vice-Chair of the Committee Advocating for Transfer, Nontraditional, and International Students
Claudia McLean
Elected Representative, Appointments Subcommittee Chair
Rashmi Nair
Associate Representative, Chair of the Committee Advocating for Transfer, Nontraditional, and International Students
Abigail O'Connell
Elected Representative
Alyssa Peek
Elected Representative
Samiha Rahman
1174 LSA Building
Gabriele Shepheard
External Relations Officer
1174 LSA Building
Max Stoneman
1174 LSA Building
Maria Wajahat
Vice President (2022-2023)
1174 LSA Building
Tyler Watt
President (2021-2022)
Ihsaan Yasin
Elected Representative
1174 LSA Building
Siya Yinti
Elected Representative