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Taking Responsibility for the Earth and Environment Subcommittee


TREES (Taking Responsibility for the Earth and Environment Subcommittee) is a subcommittee of the Student Life Committee. We were formed in order to bring more sustainable practices to the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and the university as a whole. TREES collaborates with other student organizations, university departments, and the city of Ann Arbor to create a more cohesive environmental presence on campus while promoting key environmental principles, encouraging sustainable lifestyles, supporting environmental education, and facilitating improved cooperation between students and the community. Some of our projects include:

Current and Past Projects
  • Earthfest
  • Water bottle refill stations
  • Farmers market

Help us bring together Maize & Blue to make a greener Michigan!

Meeting Time: 6:00-7:00 PM on Mondays

Chair: Ella Mannino (

Vice-Chair: Ellen McDonough (