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FAQ for Study Group Members

Below are answers to the most common questions from current SLC Study Group members. This includes information about who to notify if you miss a group, instructions for dropping your group, and more. If you have any other questions, please contact us at [email protected].

Q: Am I required to attend all meetings?
A: Although participation in the SLC Study Group Program is voluntary, students must make a commitment to attend regularly and actively participate in the study group once they have registered.

Study group members who miss four meetings in fall or winter term will be dropped from the study group in order to allow students on the waitlist to join.

Due to the shorter duration, study group members who miss two meetings in spring or summer term will be dropped from the study group in order to allow students on the waitlist to join.

If you are dropped from a study group for non-attendance, you will not be allowed to rejoin the same study group unless approved through a meeting with the Study Group Program Staff (email [email protected] to request an appointment).

Q. Are any of my absences excused?

A. All absences are counted the same, none are considered "excused" or "unexcused". If you have concerns about being dropped, you can email [email protected] to explain your situation to see if we can assist you with staying in your current group, or helping you to find a group better suited to your schedule.

Q. What if I have a religious conflict or an academic conflict?

A. With over 180 religious holidays per year, and everybody taking different courses with different exam dates, we are not able to schedule around every potential situation. This is why there are allotments of absences before being dropped. We suggest you look at your calendar/syllabus to see if you will miss more than that in a given term, as it may be that a different day/time would better suit your schedule and we would prefer you register for one that better accomodates your situation.

Q. Can I get the materials/handouts if I miss a group?

A. You can collect any missed handouts when you attend the next week's group. Please let your facilitator know you would like to do this to be sure they bring a copy.

Q:  How do I locate my group?
A:  Once you have signed up for a study group, you will receive an email telling you where to meet and how to contact your study group facilitator.  In addition, that information can be accessed in the My Groups/Waitlists area of the SLC Study Group Registration Website.

Q:  Whom do I contact if I cannot make it to my group meeting?
A:  You should contact your group facilitator.  If you do not know who your facilitator is, check the SLC Study Group Registration Website or send an email to [email protected]

Q: Can I attend a group for which I am waitlisted but not registered?
A:  Study groups are designed to provide a small group environment in which to study.  When students who are not members show up to groups, it begins to erode the small group environment.  It is also unfair to students who are registered for the group and expect that no more than 15 members will be at the meetings.  Study Group facilitators are instructed to request students who are not registered members of the group to leave.

Q:  Can I switch groups?

A:  Yes, though because you are only allowed to enroll in one group per course you will need to drop your current group first.  If there are no other groups currently available, you will need to drop your current group and then sign up for the waitlist.

Q:  How do I drop my group if I am no longer able or interested in participating in the study group I joined?
A:  Please drop your group through the SLC Study Group Registration Website or ask your facilitator to drop you.  You will be automatically dropped if you do not attend for three sessions in a term, but as students may be waiting on the waitlist for your spot we ask that you drop your group promptly.

Q:  Do members have the chance to provide feedback about their study group experience?
A:  Yes.  In the middle of the term and again at the end of the term, all members are asked to fill out an evaluation that allows for feedback about various aspects of the study group experience.  Members can contact the study group administrative staff at any point during the term by sending an e-mail to [email protected] if there is an issue that needs to be addressed immediately.

Q:  How do I become a Study Group Facilitator?
A: To apply for a facilitator position, check out the information on our site about how to Become a Study Group Facilitator.

Q:  Whom do I contact if I have additional questions about the Study Group Program?
A:  Send an e-mail to [email protected] and a member of the Study Group staff will respond to you as soon as possible.