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Katona Award


Minjoon Lee

Minjoon Lee is a Ph.D. candidate in Economics at the University of Michigan. His main field of research is macroeconomics and his research primarily focuses on the financial well-being of retirees and the distributional effects of government policies. Understanding heterogeneities among households’ economic conditions and preferences is essential in studying these issues, so one of his research agenda is to design surveys to elicit more empirical evidence on them. Another strand of his research is to develop modeling tools to incorporate well-documented heterogeneities into economic analyses. In his dissertation, he studies optimal portfolio choice in late-life, macroeconomic effects of introducing an actuarially fair long-term care insurance into the economy, and distributional effects of eliminating fiscal uncertainty. Prior to starting Ph.D. in Michigan, he received M.A. and B.A. in Economics from Korea University.