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Tutor List

If you find that you are having difficulty with your course material please contact your professor or GSI first.

In the fall and winter semesters, free one-on-one assistance is available in the Math Learning Center (Math Lab).  The MLC located in B860 East Hall, and is open Mon-Thurs 11 am-4 pm and 7-10 pm; Fri 11am-4 pm; and Sun 7-10 pm.  You can contact it at 734.936.0160.  In the spring and summer, similar free tutoring is provided by the Science Learning Center (SLC, in 1720 Chemistry; contact the SLC at 734.764.9326 or [email protected] for spring/summer hours).

Below we provide a list of people who have expressed an interest in serving as private math tutors.  Please note that in keeping with the University's policies on conflict of interest, instructors teaching mathematics courses shall not give private tutoring or instruction for pay to students in any sections of the same courses that they are currently teaching or in which they are serving as course coordinator or assistant. In addition, the Department does not guarantee specific results from, nor are we responsible for, tutoring services received. There is no implied imprimatur of any tutor. However, issues resulting from a tutor experience may result in the tutor being removed from the list.

Other sources of tutoring include the following organizations.  Please note that the Department of Mathematics provides these links as a service to our students.  If you contact them, any information you provide them is given to the organization in question and NOT to the Mathematics Department; we are not liable for any violations of your privacy resulting from your use of these links.

  • Tau Beta Pi: The Engineering honors society provides free tutoring for math 100 and 200 level courses commonly taken by engineering students.
  • I've Got Your Back (IGYB): IGYB is a student organization that provides resources to form study groups, workshops in effective studying, and free tutoring.