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Exam Information

Actuarial Examinations

Actuarial examinations in North America are offered in a series by the following two major actuarial organizations:

Casualty Actuarial Society
1100 North Glebe Road, Suite 600, Arlington, VA 22201
ph: 1-703-276-3100

Society of Actuaries
475 North Martingale Road, Suite 800, Schaumburg, IL 60173
Tph: 1-847-706-3500

Note also that there is also an Internet discussion list ACTSCI-L for teachers, researchers, and students of actuarial science. To join, send the following message SUBSCRIBE ACTSCI-L Your real name (put your name here, don't copy this!) to [email protected]

A complete description of all examinations is given in catalogues published by the Society of Actuaries and Casualty Actuarial Society.