ALEXIS AULEPP has been in Lloyd all four years, starting in LHSP in 2016-17 as a first-year student and student recruiter, then a Student Assistant 2017-18, and an RA for two years 2018-2020. Originally from Northville, Michigan, Alexis is a Communication and Media major, with a Sweetland Minor in Writing. Given her interest in writing, it’s not surprising that she has been a member and a co-leader of the Arts and Literary Journal for all four of the years, and has been a fantastic and thoughtful editor and contributor to the journal. Alexis is also a photographer, creative writer, and poet, and has been a Caldwell winner. Alexis is the RA who is always volunteering to do more. She’s thoughtful, kind, and creative--in fact, she was the mastermind behind the “Talent/Not Talent” showcase for the end of the year. Congratulations, Alexis!!
EMILY SHIAU has been in Lloyd all four years, starting in LHSP in 2016-17 as a first-year student, then a Student Assistant 2017-18, and an RA for two years 2018-2020. An Ann Arbor native, Emily is a Nursing Major, and has been kept busy this year doing important clinical work at Michigan Medicine. Emily has co-led clubs such as the Fill-a-Sketchbook Club and the Bullet Journaling Club, and has been an active leader in LSWA, helping out with program planning and student engagement during the summer. She also wrote and illustrated a children’s book in an Independent Study with Carol Tell that was written in both English and Mandarin Chinese. Emily will become a full-time nurse after graduation at Michigan Medicine. Congratulations, Emily!!
NELLY WADE has been in Lloyd all four years, starting in LHSP in 2016-17 as a first-year student, then a Student Assistant 2017-18, then a Creative Mentor (CM) 2018-19, and an RA in 2019-20. So yes, they’ve held every position possible in LSWA! A Detroiter, Nelly is a Film, TV, and Media major in LSA and a Korean Studies minor. During Summer 2018, Nelly studied abroad for six weeks at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea. In LSWA, they led Fill-a-Sketchbook Club and the Crochet Club. An active member of the Coalition for Queer Trans People of Color, Nelly also created an LSWA group chat for LGBTQ+ students to connect and build community. They have also worked on a couple creative, short films. Congratulations, Nelly!!
DOMINIQUE WITTEN (“Domo”) has been in Lloyd all four years, starting in LHSP in 2016-17 as a first-year student, then a Student Assistant 2017-18, and an RA for two years 2018-2020. An avid and talented writer, Dominique is majoring in Creative Writing and Literature from the RC. In LSWA, Dominique has designated herself as the “mother of poets” while the Poetry/Performance in Poetry co-leader for three years, and is a poet herself. A Detroiter, she left the urban comforts of home last summer to participate in the New England Literary Program (NELP) for six weeks. Domo has also been an active participant in and leader of our LSWA recruitment team. Next year she’ll be starting her MFA in Poetry at the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. Congratulations, Dominique!!