You've just written an inspiring poem. Your writing instructor loved your last personal essay. You've finally finished your first painting for your art class...and it isn't half-bad! What do you do next? Stuff it into a drawer, forget all about it? How about getting it published in the LSWA Literary and Art Journal?
Our Journal is published annually and run by LSWA students and their professional Journal Advisor. From selecting which of the submitted works are published to designing the layout of the journal, participating students gain valuable firsthand knowledge about the process of assembling a publication.
LSWA students have several opportunities throughout the academic year to submit their favorite artistic works to be considered for publication in the Arts and Literary Journal, which is then shared with members of both the LSWA and greater University of Michigan community. Submissions are competitive and judged blind. Students may submit any form of art or writing -- we even have a new Arts and Literary Journal website for pieces that can't be published in print! Here, you can also find digital copies of our most recently released journals from 2021 and 2022, as well as weekly online-only features, which are also posted on our Instagram every Thursday. We encourage you to check out these amazing pieces created by our students, and stop by the LSWA office for a hard copy of the most recent journals!
Please also enjoy clicking through the journals of years past, which are linked below.