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Alumni and Friends

  1. Giving Opportunities

Greetings to Our LHSP/LSWA Alumni.

Ever wonder what happened to your freshman roommate, or that quirky girl who lived down the hall from you? Wish you could let your LHSP friends know what you are up to these days? Want to stay connected to the program? Email us at [email protected] with memories of LHSP and updates on your personal or professional life. We look forward to creating an active alumni network.

Make a Gift

In LSWA (previously LHSP), we strive to provide our students with world-class art and writing opportunities all within the context of a supportive living and learning community. Thank you for considering supporting LSWA in return with a gift to our General Fund or our Special Arts Fund.


Want to get more involved in LSWA? We're always looking for alumni and friends who might be interested to come to Lloyd, meet with and talk to students, give a performance, show your artwork—whatever your skills. We're especially interested if you have continued your interests in writing and the arts, or have undertaken inspiring leadership opportunities. Please let us know about them! Contact our office ([email protected]) and we will discuss possibilities to come to LSWA to give a lecture or workshop. 


Enjoy reading testimonials from your fellow alumni.

We celebrate hearing how LSWA made a difference in your college experience and how your experience in LSWA has impacted where you are today.

If you are an alum and have a story to share, feel free to contact us at [email protected]. We’d love to hear from you. 

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