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Rob Drummond Improv Workshop

Wednesday, November 18, 2015
5:00 AM
Alice Lloyd, Vickie Barner Lounge

In this workshop participants will learn the techniques of working onstage with an unprepared audience member, one on one. The skills of interviewing someone you have never met before, putting them at ease, getting them to be comfortable enough to share emotional stories will be examined in detail.

Drawing on Rob’s previous work in this field this workshop will be part lecture - where Rob discusses his own experiences - and part practical, where participants will have the chance to interview each other in front of the rest of the group. Fun improv games will be used to examine the relationship between performer and audience member and the workshop will end with a sharing of scenes created during the session. 

A laid back, fun and informal workshop - no-one will be forced to do anything they do not wish to do and everyone will be made to feel at ease and welcome. It’s a discussion, not an interrogation.