You submitted Part 1 of your LHSP portfolio in October--now complete the portfolio! Submit two additional pieces for your portfolio by December 11 in order to earn complete participation for the portfolio. In other words, by the end of the semester, you should have at least three pieces total in your portfolio (though you are certainly welcome to submit more!).
What is eligible to go into the portfolio? Anything writing and art related from this semester! Remember, your portfolio should represent your best work, be that creative writing, art, music, performances, creative essays or projects from classes, etc., because all portfolio pieces will be considered for publication in the LHSP Arts and Literary Journal.
This is very similar to the submission process in October. Use the LHSP 2014-15 tab in Ctools, click Drop Box, and upload your work to the folder with your name. Having trouble uploading a document or have a piece that cannot be uploaded? Then contact Jackie at [email protected] for other submission options.