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Your Money: Smart Money Moves for College and Beyond

Tuesday, March 31, 2015
4:00 AM
Comprehensive Studies Program Conference Room 1139 Angell Hall

Please join Steven Foster from the U-M Office of Financial Aid for an informative discussion about managing money and planning for the future.

Please join Steven Foster from the U-M Office of Financial Aid for an informative discussion about managing money and planning for the future.  Topics will include safe and smart use of credit and debit cards, developing budgets, and leveraging financial resources.  All attendees will be entered into a drawing to win fabulous prizes!

Refreshments will be served.  An RSVP is requested to assist with planning but is not required to attend.  Please RSVP either by calling the CSP office at (734)764-9128 or by sending an email to [email protected] if you plan to attend.