This section offers some thoughts and guidelines for LSA instructors who are considering teaching an online or blended course.
This page defines the modes of teaching that LSA courses might use or include.
Some considerations to help LSA instructors think about why and whether they might want to teach an online or blended course.
What Makes a Good Online Course
Some essential guidelines to help LSA instructors get started thinking about what makes a quality online course.
Activity and Interaction Hours
More detailed guidelines for what to include in a blended or online course, and how to make sure course interactions are of LSA quality.
Basic definitions of substantive interaction, and how to make best use of what you already do.
Some considerations for making the online learning experience better for you and your students.
Making Course Materials Available Online
UofM Library resources and support available to help make your course materials (videos, readings, etc.) available online.
Good Online and Hybrid Discussions
Types of online and hybrid discusions and best practices for implementation.
Suggestions to help LSA faculty move their current modes of assessment into an online teaching environment.
Four Things to Consider when Planning a Proposal for Teaching Online
Some top-level considerations to take into account when proposing an online or blended course.
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