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Winter 2019: Whose Safety? Policing Minds, Bodies, and Borders in Detroit

Join us for our Winter 2019 Detroiters Speak series: Whose Safety? Policing Minds, Bodies, and Borders in Detroit. 

Each week will feature different Detroit-based speakers and guests who will explore the given topic and engage the students through a combination of formal remarks, presentations, and public discussion. 

Light dinner provided; free transportation from Ann Arbor to Detroit; public welcome and encouraged to attend. 

Free Parking provided in WSU lot 62.

Dates: Feb 7, 14, 21,28; March 21, 28; April 4, 11
Time: 7-9pm
Location: Cass Corridor Commons, 4605 Cass Ave.
Sponsors: Semester in Detroit, Detroit Equity Action Lab/Damon Keith Center for Civil Rights, University of Michigan Detroit Center, & Wayne State University Department of African American Studies

Need transportation from Ann Arbor? Please fill out this form indicating which sessions you need transportation for.  The bus will depart from the Central Campus Transit Center at 5:45pm and return to the CCTC by around 10pm. All students who are registered for the class are guaranteed a spot on the bus and do not need to fill out this form. 
*Please note: you are not guaranteed a seat on the bus until we have confirmed with you over email. Many seats are reserved for students who have registered for the course.*

**NEWLY ADDED AS OF 3/6/2019***
Join Detroiters Speak on one of our off-weeks for a Know Your Rights training with the National Lawyers Guild on Thursday, March 14th from 7pm-9pm at the Cass Corridor Commons. More information and registration here.