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Detroiters Speak


For over 10 years, Semester in Detroit has organized community classroom events that are free and open to the public. In recent years, SiD has collaborated with Wayne State University's Department of African Studies, the Detroit Equity Action Lab, the Cass Corridor Commons and the General Baker Institute to bring Detroit community members, U-M + WSU students, faculty and staff together to learn more about Detroit's past and present. The format varies from traditional panels to poetry readings to trips to jazz and cultural clubs throughout Detroit. Previous topics of discussion have focused on Education Justice to the Contemporary Labor Movement to Policing in Detroit. 

Access to Previous Sessions: 

Use the side navigation to watch videos and access readings associated with previous semesters of Detroiters Speak.  

Upcoming Sessions:

We are gearing up for a special edition of Detroiters Speak for the fall 2023 semester that will focus on Detroit hip-hop and its place in the broader recognition of hip-hop's 50th anniversary. 

Detroiters Speak