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Brian Klein

Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan in the Department of Afroamerican and African Studies and the Program in the Environment

[email protected]

Program in the Environment

Fall 2023 courses: AAS 357/ENVIRON 302: Environmental Governance and African DevelopmentAAS 495/ENVIRON 462/INTLSTD 401: Exploitation and the Environment: Conservation, Extraction, and Uneven Development

Winter 2024 courses: AAS 103/ENVIRON 152: Reconsidering African EnvironmentsENVIRON 209/AAS 261: Nature and Power: An Introduction to Political Ecology

Recent Publications:
Klein, B. I. (2023). Dina, domination, and resistance: Indigenous institutions, local politics, and resource governance in Madagascar. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 0(0), 1–30.

Klein, B. I. (2022). Mineral commons: Collective claims to territory in the goldfields of Madagascar. Political Geography, 99, 102783.

Klein, B. I. (2022). Local institutions and artisanal mining: Governance forms in the goldfields of Madagascar. Journal of Rural Studies, 92, 269-283.

Zhu, A. L., & Klein, B. (2022). The rise of flexible extraction: Boom-chasing and subject-making in northern Madagascar. Geoforum.