Program in the Environment Field Trip Policy
As part of the teaching and learning mission of the University, there are a variety of opportunities for students to learn in the field. The University carries insurance on staff members who may be injured or incur liability for their actions while engaged in University business. Liability insurance is also carried on University vehicles and their occupants. However, it is important that all field trips be officially authorized by the department as part of the course or program in order to assure coverage by University insurance.
Note: All funding requests must be approved and PitE should receive the request at least one month in advance of the event date.
The University owns and operates a pool of automobiles, vans, buses, and trucks that may be used by departments and individual staff members while engaged in University business. These vehicles must be driven by a University of Michigan employee who has a valid driver’s license.
• Vehicle rentals must be picked up at Fleet Services at 1213 Kipke Drive during office hours (Monday - Friday 6:30 am to 5:00 pm) - Saturday or Sunday rentals must be picked up on Friday between 3pm - 5pm.
• UM students are allowed to drive UM Vehicles if approved by UM Fleet services. Student drivers must complete the MVR driver profile form at least 7 working days before the trip.
• Wheelchair accessible vehicles (bus or mini-van) are available upon request.
• To make arrangements for vehicle rental or charter bus
If an accident occurs involving a University-owned vehicle, an accident report (found in the glove compartment) must be filled out and returned to the office listed on the form. Repairs will need to be arranged through the Transportation Services Office (734) 764-3427. If there is a personal injury, contact the Work-Connections Program. All off-campus accidents must be reported to the local law enforcement agency. As noted above, accidents involving University-owned vehicles must also be reported to the office listed on the form in the vehicle glove compartment. Under college policy, use of personal vehicles for transportation of UM students cannot be reimbursed.
Meals: The undergraduate funds do not pay for student meals on field trips in most cases, unless the meal is directly related to the themes of the course and the reason for the trip itse