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Graduate Students or Graduate Admissions: (734) 936-0658

U-M Physics comprises many collaborators who serve as facultyemeritusresearch scientistslecturersgraduate studentsresearch fellowsstaff and affiliates. Explore our
directory to learn more. 

Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Adam Alfrey
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Noam Amozeg
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Uendert Andrade
Research Fellow
3254 Randall Laboratory
Samantha Angell Nielsen
Executive Assistant
2484B Randall Lab 734-763-7591
Claire Arneson
Graduate Student
3280 Homer A. Neal Lab

Phoebe Askelson
Research Fellow
4485A Randall Laboratory
Camille Avestruz
Assistant Professor
3241 Homer A. Neal Lab 734.763.1646
Christopher Ayala
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
252 West Hall
Preet Baxi
Graduate Student
Homer A. Neal Laboratory
Adam Bedel
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
247 West Hall
Jonathon Brown
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Khalil Bryant
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Dawid Brzeminski
Research Fellow
3472 Randall Laboratory
Ariana Bueno
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Karina Calhoun
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Evan Carpenter
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Matthew Carter
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Aaron Chan
Graduate Student
254 West Hall
Andrea Chaney
Lecturer III
1429 Randall Lab
Leela Chari
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Kuan-Wen Chen
Research Fellow
4484A Randall Lab
SB109 Homer A. Neal Lab (734-763-3053)
SB476, SB484 Randall Lab (734-763-8530)
Nan Cheng
Graduate Student
Randall Lab
Shuan Cheng
Visiting Undergraduate Student
Wenting Cheng
Research Fellow
2247 Homer A. Neal Laboratory
Hoi Tim Cheung
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Timothy Chupp
Professor of Physics and Biomedical Engineering
4241 Homer A. Neal Lab
Labs: SB131, SB137, SB147 Homer A. Neal Lab
Freddy Cisneros
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Ethan Coburn
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
T Coffin
Professor Emeritus
Leah Cooperrider
Research Technician Intermediate
Homer A. Neal Laboratory
Jack Crandall
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
247 West Hall
Zachary Croft
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Randall Lab
Liam Daly
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Bineet Kumar Dash
Graduate Student
4218 Homer A. Neal Lab
Jose de la Cruz Moreno
Visiting Research Scholar
Randall Laboratory
Beth Demkowski
Faculty Assistant
367B West Hall 734.615.5811
Hui Deng
Professor and Associate Chair for Research and Facilities
4416 Randall Lab
Lab: SB187 Homer A. Neal Lab (764.1975)
SB286 Homer A. Neal Lab (763.2472)
Parag Deotare
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Associate Professor of Physics, and Associate Professor of Applied Physics
Room 3304, G G Brown
Address: 3314 EECS, 1301 Beal Ave 48109-2122

Lab: SB424/408 Randall Lab
3321 GGB
Isabele De Souza Vitorio
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Selina Dirnboeck
Visiting Graduate Students
Charles R. Doering
Nicholas D. Kazarinoff Collegiate Professor of Complex Systems, Mathematics and Physics, and Director of the Center for the Study of Complex Systems
Eoghan Downey
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Moayad Ekhwan
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Shaghayegh Emami
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Nicholas Ernst
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Joseph Essman
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Daniel Esterkin
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
1481 Randall Laboratory
Eli Feinberg
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Xinyu Feng
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Rebecca Fitzgarrald
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Dillon Fitzgerald
Research Fellow
West Hall
Stephen Forrest
Peter A Franken Distinguished University Professor of Engineering, Paul G Goebel Professor of Engineering, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Professor of Material Science and Engineering, and Professor of Physics
377 West Hall
Lab: 3268, 3269, 3287 Homer A. Neal Lab
Christopher Gale
Chief Administrator
2484A Randall Laboratory
Nicholas Geiser
Research Fellow
3485 Randall Laboratory
Armando Gil
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Jonathan Gjerde
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
1481 Randall Laboratory
Ryan Gotha
Instrument Shop Technician
Randall Laboratory - B464
Anne Graf
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Liang Guan
Electronics Engineer Senior
Jem Guhit
Graduate Student
365 West Hall
Yuxiang Guo
Electronics Engineer Senior
Homer A. Neal Laboratory
Richard Gustafson
Research Scientist Emeritus
Jonas Hallstrom
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Sikandar Hanif
Graduate Student
329 West Hall
Ryan Hanna
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Ryan Harber
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Leah Hartman
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Conor Heaney
Laboratory/Classroom Services Technician
Idse Heemskerk
Assistant Professor of Physics, Assistant Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
3047 BSRB
109 Zina Pitcher Place
Jhanene Heying-Melendrez
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
247 West Hall
Blake Hipsley
Graduate Student
1485C Randall Lab
Zhijian Hu
Visiting Undergraduate Student Researcher
Jack Hudson
Visiting Undergraduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Isaac Huegel
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
1481 Randall Laboratory
Shailaja Humane
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Alexandra Hurd
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Sergei Iskakov
Research Area Specialist Senior
2241 Homer A. Neal Lab
Sabarenath Jayaprakash
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Kate Jensen
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Na Hyun Jo
Norman M. Leff Assistant Professor of Physics and Assistant Professor of Physics
253 West Hall
Deric Jones
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Lawrence Jones
Professor Emeritus
Nicolas Kalem
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
247 West Hall
Kwyntero Kelso
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Estefanio Kesto
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Aurora Kiefer
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Mack Kira
Professor; Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
4215 Homer A. Neal Lab
3116 ERB-1
Samuel Krimm
Professor Emeritus of Physics, Research Scientist Emeritus of Biophysics, Professor Emeritus of Macromolecular Science and Engineering
3303 Chemistry 734.763.8081
Alan Krisch
Professor Emeritus
Aashish Kumar
Visiting Graduate Student
Alex Kuzmich
Martin L. Perl Collegiate Professor of Physics
4219 Homer A. Neal Lab
Lab SB181, SB237 Homer A. Neal Lab
Nicholas Kyriacou
Graduate Student
330 West Hall
Juno Larson
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Chulwon Lee
Research Fellow
Randall Laboratory
Je-Ho Lee
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Eric Leon
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Shuaifeng Li
Research Fellow
Homer A. Neal Laboratory
Shuaijie Li
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Ed Lin
Assistant Research Scientist
329 West Hall 734.936.6688
Hui-Chi Lin
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Loki Luteng Lin
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Jiadong Liu
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Andrea Londono
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Michael Longo
Professor Emeritus
Julian Luettig
Research Fellow
Randall Laboratory
Nathanial Lydick
Graduate Student
4409 Randall Lab
Zhengyang Lyu
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Siddhant Mal
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Timothy A. McKay
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Physics, Astronomy, Education, and Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education
351 West Hall
Lab: 3412 Randall Lab
Alyssa Miller
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
247 West Hall
Chris Miller
Professor of Physics and Astronomy
305B West Hall 734.764.3433
Jared Mitchell
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
252 West Hall
Esteban Molina
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Avik Mondal
Graduate Student
4485C Randall Lab
Trisha Musall
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Aidan Nakhleh
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
247 West Hall
Homer A. Neal
Samuel A. Goudsmit Distinguished University Professor Emeritus
Erin Neely
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Magdalen Norland
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Zahraa Noureddine
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Bradford Orr
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Physics; U-M Associate Vice President for Research, Science and Engineering
267E West Hall 734.764.7013 (Fleming office) 734.936.3609 (Physics office)
Jose Ortiz Tavarez
Graduate Student
Randall Lab
Jiaming Pan
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Nathan Pannifer
Visiting Graduate Student
Austin Polanco
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Sara Pozzi
Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences, Professor of Physics, Director of the Consortium for Verification Technology
2937 Cooley Building
2355 Bonisteel Boulevard
Naomi Raicu
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
1481 Randall Laboratory
Georg Raithel
4255 Homer A. Neal Lab
Labs: SB149, SB283, SB290 Homer A. Neal Lab (763.2544)
Shankari Rajagopal
Harold C. Early Physics Early Career Professor and Assistant Professor of Physics
4223 Homer A. Neal Lab
Manuel Ramirez Garcia
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Chelsea Raupp
Undergraduate Program Coordinator
1440 Randall Lab 734.936.0659
Jeremy Rebenstock
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
1481 Randall Laboratory
Gregory Rischbieter
Research Fellow
4205 Randall Lab
Ayla Rodriguez
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Benjamin Rorem
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Jordan Roth
Graduate Student
Anwesha Saha
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Emmett Salzer
Research Technician Intermediate
Homer A. Neal Laboratory
Leonard Sander
Professor Emeritus
4428 Randall Lab 734.764.4471
Richard Sands
Professor Emeritus
Benjamin Schmitz
Introductory Physics Lab Technician
1241 Homer A. Neal Lab
Daniel Sela
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Sonali Shanbhag
Program Assistant Applied Physics
267 West Hall
Kartik Sharma
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Mayank Sharma
Software Engineer Senior
Ashiq Shawon
Research Fellow
Randall Laboratory
Connie Sheeran
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Kaiyuan "Sky" Shi
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Chang Shu
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Liana Simpson
Graduate Student
330 West Hall
Shane Smolenski
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Henry Sottrel
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Michael Springstead
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Brendan Stassel
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
252 West Hall
Cory Steiner
Graduate Program Coordinator
1440 Randall Laboratory
William Stephenson
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Can Suslu
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Kaydee Szust
Student Services Manager
1440B Randall Laboratory
Alexander Takla
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Vineeth Krishna Talasila
Research Fellow
3485 Randall Laboratory
Anisa Tapper
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Alexander Thomas
Professor of Physics, Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences
4215 Homer A. Neal Lab 734.764.1598
Michelle Thran
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Tobias Thrien
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Paul Thurmond
Building Manager Randall Lab/West Hall/Weiser Low Rise
1427 Randall Lab 734.763.4473
James Tice
Instrument Maker
B464 Randall Lab 734.764.4458
Ethan Todd
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Yukio Tomozawa
Professor Emeritus
Aashish Tripathee
Research Fellow
3239 Homer A. Neal Lab 734.936.5806
Siddhant Tripathy
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Lucas Trojanowski
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
247 West Hall
Kabelo Tsiane
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Ctirad Uher
C. Wilbur Peters Collegiate Professor of Physics
261 West Hall
Labs: SB214, SB224 Homer A. Neal Lab (763.3512)
Sarah Veatch
Professor of Biophysics and Physics and Associate Director of Biophysics
3038 Chemistry
Labs: 3050 Chemistry
Martinus Veltman
Professor Emeritus, John D. MacArthur Professor of Physics, 1999 Nobel Prize for Physics
Carter Wade
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Chuangtang Wang
Research Fellow
West Hall 243
Oliver Wang
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Runxuan Wang
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Xinyu Wang
Research Fellow
Randall Laboratory
Yu-Yang Wang
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Zeyuan Wang
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Zhichen Wang
Graduate Student
378 West Hall
William Ward
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
247 West Hall
Scott Webster
Instrument Shop Supervisor
B464 Randall Lab 734.764.4458
Gabriel Weinreich
Professor Emeritus
Daniel Weller
Lecturer I
B420B Randall Laboratory
Noah West
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Jon Willcutt
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
David Williams
Professor Emeritus
Rhiannon Willow
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Herbert G. Winful
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science, Joseph E. and Anne P. Rowe Professor of Electrical Engineering, Professor of Physics and Applied Physics, University Diversity and Social Transformation Professor
3106 ERB (Engineering Research Building)
2200 Bonisteel Blvd
Heather Wolfe
Physics Facilities Coordinator
1425 Randall Lab 734.763.4646
Kin To Wong
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Kevin Wood
Associate Professor of Physics and Biophysics
Wenjing Wu
Research Computing Manager
LSA Physics
450 Church St
2281C Homer A. Neal Lab
Ann Arbor MI 48109-1040
Qianran Xia
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Xinyan Xiang
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Tairan Xu
Research Fellow
Yujia Yang
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
1481 Randall Laboratory
Zhen Yang
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Zecheng You
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Soichi Ystokazu-Gomez
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Man Yuan
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Bin Yun
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
1481 Randall Laboratory
Dominika Zgid
Professor of Physics and Chemistry
Chemistry Department
2000F Chemistry
930 N University
Dechen Zhang
Graduate Student
254 West Hall
Jingchao Zhang
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Pingxin Zhang
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Yitong Zhang
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Yuhan Zhang
Graduate Student - Applied Physics
Haonan Zhao
Graduate Student
3280 Homer A. Neal Lab
Guoxin Zheng
Graduate Student
254 West Hall
Lefeng Zhou
Graduate Student
Randall Laboratory
Lingxiao Zhou
Graduate Student
4409 Randall Lab