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U-M Physics comprises many collaborators who serve as facultyemeritusresearch scientistslecturersgraduate studentsresearch fellowsstaff and affiliates. Explore our
directory to learn more. 

Idse Heemskerk
Assistant Professor of Physics, Assistant Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology
3047 BSRB
109 Zina Pitcher Place
Samuel Krimm
Professor Emeritus of Physics, Research Scientist Emeritus of Biophysics, Professor Emeritus of Macromolecular Science and Engineering
3303 Chemistry 734.763.8081
Jens-Christian Meiners
Professor, Physics and Biophysics
4214 Homer A. Neal Lab
Labs: SB268 (764.2251) SB280, SB288, SB290 Homer A. Neal Lab
Bradford Orr
Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Physics; U-M Associate Vice President for Research, Science and Engineering
267E West Hall 734.764.7013 (Fleming office) 734.936.3609 (Physics office)
Sarah Veatch
Professor of Biophysics and Physics and Associate Director of Biophysics
3038 Chemistry
Labs: 3050 Chemistry
Michal Zochowski
Professor of Physics and Biophysics
259 West Hall 734.647.5552