Peter A Franken Distinguished University Professor of Engineering, Paul G Goebel Professor of Engineering, Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Professor of Material Science and Engineering, and Professor of Physics
At Bell Labs, Professor Forrest investigated photodetectors for optical communications. In 1985, he joined the Electrical Engineering and Materials Science Departments at USC where he worked on optoelectronic integrated circuits and organic semiconductors. In 1992, Professor Forrest became the James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of Electrical Engineering at Princeton University. He served as the Director of the National Center for Integrated Photonic Technology and as the Director of Princeton's Center for Photonics and Optoelectronic Materials (POEM). From 1997 to 2001, he served as the Chair of the Princeton’s Electrical Engineering Department. He was appointed the CSM Visiting Professor of Electrical Engineering at the National University of Singapore from 2004 to 2009.
In 2006, he rejoined the University of Michigan as Vice President for Research and as the William Gould Dow Collegiate Professor in Electrical Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, and Physics. A Fellow of the APS, IEEE, OSA, he received the IEEE/LEOS Distinguished Lecturer Award from 1996 to 1997 and, in 1998, he was a co-recipient of the IPO National Distinguished Inventor Award as well as the Thomas Alva Edison Award for innovations in organic LEDs.
In 1999, Professor Forrest received the MRS Medal for work on organic thin films. In 2001, he was awarded the IEEE/LEOS William Streifer Scientific Achievement Award for advances made on photodetectors for optical communications systems. He is the recipient of the Jan Rajchman Prize from the Society for Information Display for the invention of phosphorescent OLEDs and the IEEE Daniel Nobel Award and the IEEE Jun-Ichi Nishizawa Medal for innovations in OLEDs. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Inventors.
Professor Forrest has authored approximately 675 papers in refereed journals and has 402 patents. He is a co-founder and/or founding participant in several companies including Heat2Power, Sensors Unlimited, Epitaxx, Inc., Nanoflex Power Corp., Universal Display Corp. (NASDAQ: PANL) and Apogee Photonics, Inc., and is on the Board of Directors of Applied Materials, and most recently serves on the senior leadership of the National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center on Cellular Metamaterials, Cell-Met. He is lead editor of Physical Review Applied.
Selected Publications
Organic Electronics: Foundations to Applications, (S. R. Forrest), Oxford University Press, (2020).
Stable Blue Phosphorescent Organic LEDs that Use Polariton-Enhanced Purcell Effects, (H. Zhao, C.E. Arneson, D. Fan and S.R. Forrest), Nature, 626 300-305 (2024).
Ultralong-Range Energy Transport in a Disordered Organic Semiconductor at Room Temperature Via Coherent Exciton-Polariton Propagation, (S. Hou, M.Khatoniar, K. Ding, Y. Qu, A. Napolov, V. M. Menon, and S.R. Forrest), Adv. Mater., 2002127 (2020).
From 2D to 3D: Strain- and Elongation-free Topological Transformations of Optoelectronic Circuits, (D. Fan, B. Lee, C. Coburn, and S.R. Forrest), Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 116, 3968 (2019).
Near-perfect photon utilization in an air-bridge thermophotovoltaic cell, (D. Fan, T. Burger, S. McSherry, B. Lee, A. J. Lenert, and S. R. Forrest), Nature, 586, 237, (2020).
Intrinsically Stable Organic Solar Cells Under High Intensity Illumination, Q. Burlingame, X. Huang, X. Liu, C. Jeong, C. Coburn, and Stephen R. Forrest), Nature, 573, 394 (2019).
Engineering Charge-Transfer States for Efficient, Low-Energy-Loss Organic Photovoltaics, (X. Liu, B.P. Rand, S.R. Forrest), Trends in Chemistry, Invited Review, 1, 815 (2019).
Centimeter-Scale Electron Diffusion in Photoactive Organic Heterostructures, (Q. Burlingame. C. Coburn, X. Che, A. Panda, Y. Qu, and S.R. Forrest), Nature 554, 77 (2018).
The Ideal Diode Equation for Organic Heterojunctions. I. Derivation and Application, (N.C. Giebink, G.P. Wiederrecht, M.R. Wasielewski and S.R. Forrest), Phys. Rev. B, 82, 155305 (2010).
The Path to Ubiquitous and Low Cost Organic Electronic Appliances on Plastic, (S.R. Forrest), Nature (London), invited 428, 911 (2004).
High Efficiency Phosphorescent Emission From Organic Electroluminescent Devices, (M.A. Baldo, D.F. O'Brien, Y. You, A. Shoustikov, M.E. Thompson and S.R. Forrest), Nature 395, 151 (1998).
Field(s) of Study
- Optoelectronic integrated circuits, organic thin film semiconductor and III-V semiconductor growth by molecular beam epitaxy, optoelectronic interconnections and phased array antenna systems.