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Teaching Mathematics Seminar

Design and Use of Open Source Mathematics Textbooks with Embedded Computation
Monday, March 19, 2018
5:15-6:30 PM
3866 East Hall Map
In this talk we report on ongoing work that supports the development of tools for authors to produce open source mathematics textbooks that embed computation, with Sage. The textbooks operate with an open license and are usually distributed at a very low cost to students. In addition we report on efforts to understand how faculty and students use two of these textbooks, one on linear algebra and the other on abstract algebra, taking advantage of the minute-by-minute data that can be collected.

Robert Beezer is Professor of Mathematics, University of Puget Sound. Beezer has 38 years teaching experience, is an open textbook author, and a Sage developer.

Vilma Mesa is at the school of education and these days tries to stay afloat among the many fun projects she is running (from). Speaker(s): Vilma Mesa (Univ Michigan School of Education)
Building: East Hall
Event Type: Workshop / Seminar
Tags: Mathematics
Source: Happening @ Michigan from Department of Mathematics