You can accommodate the student(s) as needed. We recommend that you ask your students to keep you updated if they are sick and if necessary, determine the best way to provide instruction. Here are some resources to assist you in converting to remote instruction should the need arise.
LSA on Remote Assessment and Exams
ITS: How to Secure Meetings in Zoom
EARTH Remote Teaching Resources
Provost's Instructions on Remote Instruction
CRLT's Guide on Teaching Remotely
COVID-19 and Your Teaching
ITS' Remote Resource Guide
LSA's Remote Teaching Recommendations
Covid-19 LSA Teaching and Learning Remotely -- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Answers
ITS Remote Resource Guide
LSA Technology Services Teaching Remote Getting Started Guide
Teaching and Learning Remotely FAQs
Getting Started With BlueJeans
To get started, we recommend everyone install the App for their operating system.
We also recommend installing the Google Chrome Browser Extension to easily add BlueJeans meetings within your Google Calendar.
Remote Instruction
Consider Using Lecture Capture as a way to record a lecture or presentation.
If you teach in one of these classrooms with Lecture Capture installed, you can use your normally scheduled classroom and record regular lectures in that room and have it post automatically to Canvas. Although it means lecturing to an empty room, it is, by far, the easiest ways to get lectures on line. Send new requests to: [email protected]
Note: There are a small number of conference rooms in the list above that have lecture capture. Faculty could work with the owner of those conference rooms to use the lecture capture system. Recording in those spaces can be reserved at [email protected]
Request a previous year's Lecture Capture recordings.
You can request the ability to post previous year's lectures. Send an email to: [email protected]
Attend a Remote Teaching Workshop See the schedule here:
The Teaching Remotely Website has lots of resources including Instructor Resources and lots of links, How-Tos, Tutorials, and ideas for Screen Casts, recordings at home, videoconferencing for classes in the Frequently Asked Questions pages.
If you have questions as you prepare, they can reach out to [email protected]
If you have problems or frustrations on Monday, don't hesitate to call 734-615-0100 [Prompt 1] or [Prompt 4]
Options for delivering lectures remotely:
1. Lecture Capture via the U-M system. Compared to other options (BlueJeans, etc.) this is much simpler and has lower probability of issues. It may be useful if you are technologically challenged. You show your slides and speak into the microphone and the audio is captured in association with the slides, then posted to a web address that can be accessed by students. This requires being in a classroom capable of lecture capture, which is currently a very limited number of classrooms. However, we have reserved the one lecture-capture room in NUB (1528) at the following times for faculty who may wish to record lectures in advance: TThF 8-10 and TTh 1-2:30. We can also do this at other off hours (early morning, late evening, weekends). We'll need to coordinate this as a department; please let me know if you are interested.
2. Lecture Capture via the Echo360 system. I use this now via Canvas's Active Learning Platform and it works great. Perry Samson (CLASP) says he can set this up so that you can stream your lectures directly from your laptop, from anywhere. Perry has graciously volunteered to get us set up for this. If you are interested, please send me the following information and I will coordinate with Perry:
- a. Descriptive name of device (like "Samson Office iMac")
- b. Its MAC address
- c. Course to be broadcast
3. An easy way to record your lectures is with the program Camtasia. This UM-supported software installs a PowerPoint addin that automatically records and synchronizes your voice and slides (and optional video), and creates an mp4 file for posting. After installing Camtasia you use your laptop's microphone or a wired microphone to create a PowerPoint-based video lecture.
4. Newer versions of PowerPoint include a presentation recording option, which attaches voice to each slide and creates an mp4 video for posting.
Other tips and lessons learned for remote teaching:
Of course lab courses offer additional challenges. LSA is working to provide guidance. An important perspective here is that it may be impossible to re-create the in-person experience for our students, we can only do our best... please start considering alternatives.