The Organizational Studies Program at the University of Michigan seeks outstanding early-career or new associate professors whose teaching and mentoring, AND/OR research and scholarship, AND/OR service and engagement will contribute to our interconnected goals of excellence, diversity, equity, and inclusion to join our faculty through the 2023 LSA Collegiate Fellows Program (LCFP). We encourage applicants from a wide range of institution types as we seek to diversify where we hire from.
Organizational Studies is a small (approximately 100 majors), selective undergraduate program in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts. Our faculty represent a range of disciplinary and interdisciplinary backgrounds in the social sciences and professional fields whose research and teaching is relevant to organizational theory and behavior, broadly defined.
The LSA Collegiate Fellows Program aims to recruit and hire exceptional early career faculty at two levels: as postdoctoral fellows/tenure-track assistant professors and early-in-rank tenured associate professors. Applications through Organizational Studies are due Friday, September 8, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. ET, with reference letters due Monday, September 11, 2023 by 11:59 p.m. ET.
The LSA Collegiate Fellows Program was launched in 2016 as a major college initiative aimed at promoting an intellectually rich and inclusive scholarly environment, recruiting and retaining exceptional early career faculty scholars, and supporting these outstanding scholars who are committed to working with college colleagues to build a diverse, equitable scholarly and learning community. The program is administered by U-M’s National Center for Institutional Diversity (NCID) in conjunction with LSA academic departments.
Postdoctoral Fellow/Assistant Professor Rank:
The early-career program provides either one to two years of postdoctoral fellowship support with tenure-track assistant professors offers to follow the fellowship period or immediate tenure-track appointments in LSA departments. Successful candidates will receive dedicated research time, mentorship, research and travel funding, and cohort- and program-based professional development opportunities related to scholarship and teaching.
Associate Professor Rank:
The associate professor program seeks to hire early-in-rank associate professors or scholars in the year they are seeking promotion to associate rank. In their first year, successful candidates will participate in a cohort-based professional development program designed to support DEI leadership in their service and administrative roles.
Applicants must apply through the application portal in order to be considered for the Collegiate Fellows Program (linked below). A list of participating departments/units, eligibility requirements, and crucial application information can be found at Inquiries may be directed to [email protected] or [email protected].