Fall 2012 GSI Applications Now Available
The Organizational Studies Program is once again looking for talented GSI's for three Organizational Studies Courses:
Click on the Course Titles to view the application:
ORGSTUDY 201 Leadership & Collaboration (estimated FTE appointment: 0.50)
ORGSTUDY 310 Formal Organizations and Environments (estimated FTE appointment: 0.50)
ORGSTUDY 410 Advance Research Methods (estimated FTE appointment: 0.50)
Benefits (if offered at estimated appointment effort): Full tuition waiver, health benefits, stipend matching UM/GEO agreement for the term
Submit applications to:
Jessica Kowalewski, Student Services Coordinator
709 Dennison – 1090
(734) 764-6715
Email: [email protected].
Preferred method of submission: Hand-delivery to office or e-mail. Please contact Jessica Kowalewski ([email protected]) regarding any inquiries about the status of this application.
Required Qualification:
In compliance with Appendix A of the 2011-2014 UM/GEO agreement (see pp. 90-92 of the UM/GEO agreement), the College of LSA requires that potential GSIs whose undergraduate medium of instruction is not English be evaluated for effective proficiency in classroom English. Effective proficiency includes fluent and intelligible speech, the ability to understand the English spoken by the undergraduate students, the ability to produce organized, coherent explanations, and the ability to contribute to the development of interactions with their students. As part of the training and testing, graduate students are required to demonstrate their effective proficiency by taking the GSI-OET conducted by independent evaluators from the Testing Division at the English Language Institute and a faculty representative from the department in which the prospective GSI will be teaching.
Selection Criteria:
Decisions will be made by the professor of the course. Selection criteria include merit, teaching experience, other training or experience which may be required and explicit to the teaching goals/requirements of a specific course, applicant's previous receipt of financial aid, availability of funding, and relevance to graduate training. Applicant preferences for course placement will be taken into consideration. Estimated date for offers to be extended: April 30, 2012.
Application due date: March 15, 2015; Decisions will be made around end of April.
The University will not discriminate against any applicant for employment because of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, marital status, familial status, parental status or pregnancy status, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, age, height, weight, disability, citizenship status, veteran status, HIV antibody status, political belief, membership in any social or political organization, participation in a grievance or complaint whether formal or informal, or any other factor where the item in question will not interfere with job performance and where the employee is otherwise qualified. The University of Michigan agrees to abide by the protections afforded employees with disabilities as outlined in the rules and regulations which implement Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act.
This position, as posted, is subject to a collective bargaining agreement between the Regents of the University of Michigan and the Graduate Employees’ Organization, American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO 3550.
Contact information for the Office of Institutional Equity and University Ombuds:
OIE – http://hr.umich.edu/oie/contact.html
University Ombuds – http://www.umich.edu/~ombuds/
Unsuccessful applications will be retained for consideration in the event that there are last minute openings for available positions. Upon request, any applicant denied employment will receive, within fourteen (14) calendar days, a written explanation of the reasons for denial of employment, and/or an in-person interview with the hiring agent(s) to be scheduled at a mutually agreed upon time.