Thank you all for your nominations!   

The time has come to vote for this year's recipient of the Suzanne Jones OS Spirit Award.

The Suzanne Jones OS Spirit Award honors the dedication of former Key Administrator Suzanne Jones to Organizational Studies.  This award is given to an OS community member (student, staff, or faculty) who has dedicated him/herself to improving the OS student experience and developing the OS community, embraces creative thinking to launch new ideas, and embodies the OS spirit.

Past recipients include:
OS Key Administrator Suzanne Jones (2006)
OS Graduate Student Instructor Larry Hearld (2007)
OS Director Richard Price (2008)
Barger Leadership Institute Program Coordinator Tiffany Purnell (2009)
OS Concentration Advisor Cathy Philbin (2010)

Please vote for this year's recipient by completing this ballot.   A brief summary, taken from the nominating parties, is included for each nominee. 

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Student Services Coordinator, Jessica Kowalewski ([email protected]).