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Field-Based Conservation Science and Leadership Spring Course...Apply by:

Tuesday, March 15, 2016
4:00 AM
Eastern Washington's North Cascades and Methow Valley

An intensive Conservation Science and Leadership Course is offered by Pacific Biodiversity Institute this spring. This 4-week course is designed as a perfect complement to college and university programs in ecology, environmental studies, conservation biology or natural resource management. It provides an excellent opportunity for students and recent graduates to hone leadership skills, gain essential scientific knowledge, and connect with dynamic conservation professionals in the spectacular North Cascade Mountains of Washington State.

Please pass along this announcement and attached flyer to students, graduates, or anyone you know who may be interested in participating in this field-based course.

Students will participate in an intensive 4-week course learning about current conservation topics, state-of-the-art research techniques, and restoration and management approaches. Students will learn leadership, decision-making and communication skills from seasoned conservation leaders. Students will conduct wildlife surveys using wildlife cameras and hair-sampling methods, vegetation sampling plots, bird point-counts, and use GIS mapping tools. They will participate in research focused on ponderosa pine forests, wildfire impacts, riparian ecosystems, endangered wildlife and ecosystem restoration.  Students will also participate in community service projects, multi-day field trips, and team research projects.

The goal of this course is to enable young scientists and potential conservation leaders to discover and pursue their educational and career goals with a powerful skill set, knowledge, connections with conservation leaders and passion for the protecting the natural world.

What: Conservation Science and Leadership Course in the North Cascades Mountains

Who: Upper-level undergraduate students and recent graduates who are preparing to be scientists, conservation leaders and natural resource professionals

Where: Eastern Washington’s North Cascades Mountains and Methow Valley

When: May 23-June 19, 2016

Cost: $1250 to cover their lodging and food for the entire 4 weeks at the North Cascades Basecamp. The course itself is free and supported by a grant from The Mountaineers Foundation.

Application Deadline: March 15, 2016

More information and an application can be found at:

Please contact [email protected] with questions.