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University of Michigan's LSI Offering Perrigo Undergraduate Summer Fellowship... Apply by:

Friday, February 19, 2016
5:00 AM
Life Science's Institute

The Life Sciences Institute (LSI) at the University of Michigan is once again offering the Perrigo Undergraduate Summer Fellowship.  This 10-week program provides an opportunity for undergraduates currently enrolled in any Michigan university or college to work side-by-side with world class researchers at the LSI.  The Program, which takes place from June 13 - August 19, 2016, provides a $4,000 stipend as well as $1,800 in housing support.

We would truly appreciate your help in promoting this unique experience within your department and institution.  Attached is a flier that can be shared.  Application materials can be found at: The application deadline is February 19, 2016, so please do not hesitate to encourage your students to apply.

If you have any questions concerning the program, please contact us at 734-763-7175 or, [email protected].

The Perrigo Summer Fellowship at the Life Sciences Institute is an exceptional learning experience that will, with no doubt, challenge and progress each fellow intellectually and academically.  Your help is a crucial to the Perrigo Summer Fellowship.  Thank you for your much needed cooperation and assistance.

See attached flyer for additional details.