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FIELD STUDY OPPORTUNITIES: CA State University, Monterey Bay is accepting applications for their field studies programs...

Thursday, December 31, 2015
5:00 AM

The Wildlands Studies Program, California State University, Monterey Bay offers a series of environmental and cultural ecology field studies that we invite you to join.  This year you can choose among wildlife, wildland and cultural ecology field studies searching for solutions to environmental and cultural challenges.  Each program grants 4-12 units credit.*  Please note that all programs are open and accepting applications now.  Field studies take place in: Yellowstone, Big Sur (California), Banff (Canada), Vancouver Island, The California Channel Islands, Fiji, Belize, Costa Rica, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Baja Mexico, Thailand, Tasmania, India, Nepal, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Wildlands Studies students leave our programs well versed in field research methods, environmental impact assessment, data acquisition techniques and remain connected to a global network of scientists and researchers. They set themselves apart when applying for internships, professional employment, or graduate school by citing the knowledge and experience cultivated during the program.

All of our programs, now available for your consideration, are described at our website: 

Our email address is [email protected]  

If you have questions about any of our programs, please feel free to get back in touch with us.