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BECOME A TUTOR: The SLC is currently recruiting student to become peer tutors and study group facilitators for fall 2014... Apply by:

Friday, February 28, 2014
5:00 AM
Science Learning Center

The Science Learning Center (SLC) is currently recruiting top students to become peer tutors and study group facilitators for the fall 2014 term.  Tutors are hired for only five science courses (Biology 171, 172, Chemistry 130, 210, and 215) while study group facilitators are hired for more than twenty different courses in biology, chemistry, physics, biophysics and math.


As a facilitator or tutor, you can help students build their confidence as they enhance their understanding of difficult course material.  You will assist them in becoming more independent learners, and improve their course performance.  You will also make a real difference in the lives of other students.

Additional Benefits:
•   Develop your understanding of how students learn
•   Develop problem solving and organization skills
•   Enhance your interpersonal and communication skills
•   Learn skills and techniques useful for your future career
•   Retain and deepen your course content knowledge for graduate and professional school entrance exams (i.e. GRE, MCAT, PCAT, DAT, etc.)

Job Description:

Study group facilitators will typically work 3-5 hours/week with groups of up to 13-14 student members.  Peer tutors will typically work 3-6 hours/week with small groups of up to three students.

Study group facilitators and tutors participate in training sessions during the term.  Study group facilitators and tutors offer help with skills such as problem solving, revision and exam techniques, time management, note taking, assist students in active learning by exploring and analyzing course material by using resources from the SLC C-tools site and their own experiences.

What are we looking for?

Study group facilitators and tutors must have exceptional communication and interpersonal skills. Tutors will have earned an A- or higher and study group facilitators a B+ or higher in the course(s) they want to facilitate. All applicants for both positions must have taken the course(s) at the University of Michigan.  Tutors will need a recommendation of the instructor or GSI for the course if offered a position.

Tutors and study group facilitators must embrace and support the philosophy of the programs. They are trained in techniques to help students become independent learners, develop study skills and learn about resources for course success. Tutoring and study group facilitation are supplemental to classroom instruction.  Study group facilitators, in contrast to tutors, are not expected to teach or tutor the class content; instead facilitation techniques are learned to help study group members teach and learn from each other.

We strongly encourage you to email questions about the positions and programs at: [email protected] or [email protected].

How to Apply

If you would like to apply to become an SLC study group facilitator or tutor, please complete an application for the fall 2014 term available at:

Interviewing and hiring will be conducted on a rolling basis until all positions have been filled. We only contact applicants who are selected for interviews.


To receive the most consideration, please submit your application by Friday, February 28th.

We look forward to reviewing your application!