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UNDERGRAD TEACHING ASSISTANTS: The Program in Biology is currently seeking applicants for the fall 2012 UTA program... Apply by:

Monday, March 25, 2013
4:00 AM
Program in Biology

Program in Biology Concentrators!

We are currently seeking applicants for the fall 2013 Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) program.  

This is a program that provides qualified undergraduates with college teaching experience!  Successful applicants will lead their own sections of introductory biology courses.  First-time UTAs receive credit for teaching, returning UTAs are paid a stipend.  This is great experience and looks impressive on a resume!
Students should be junior level or above and carry a 3.3 GPA or higher.

More information can be found via the Career Information page on the Program in Biology website.

Click here to apply.

The application deadline is March 25, 2013.
Please let us know if you have any questions!
Best Regards,


The Program in Biology
University of Michigan // 1140 Undergrad. Science Bldg. (USB)                                                  [email protected]