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SUMMER WORK EXPERIENCE: UM Math and Science Scholars hire Res. Hall Counselors & Instructors... Apply by:

Friday, March 15, 2013
4:00 AM
UM Campus

Greetings Math and Science Undergrads!

Many of you are already looking for summer work experience, and I wanted to take this moment to bring the MMSS (Michigan Math and Science Scholars) Program to your attention.  Each summer, MMSS brings roughly 350 high school students to campus to partake in two 2-week long sessions.  These students spend the majority of their time here on campus taking classes taught by University of Michigan Faculty, and then stay the nights in the dorms.  We are looking for residential hall counselors who will be able to supervise and facilitate nightly and weekend activities for these high school students.  The pay is $2000 for four weeks of employment and includes room and board!  If this seems interesting to you, please contact our office or apply online at:  Applicants for the Residential Hall Counselor position should apply directly to the MMSS office via the program coordinator- [email protected]  The application deadline for this position is March 15th, 2013.

We are also in need of many outstanding Undergraduate Student Instructors (USIs).  Each of our 23 offered courses hire undergraduate students to help teach their classes.  Many of these USIs also serve as residential hall counselors when they are not performing class duties and responsibilities.  Students interested in serving as a USI should contact course instructors directly as each conducts their own interviews and hiring process.  USI applicants should have directly related experience to the course of which they are applying to help teach and any related questions should be directed towards the appropriate faculty member.  A listing of courses and their associated faculty is located here: