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UNDERGRADUATE INTERNSHIP: Herpetological Survey Intern with the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, Department of Parks and Recreation, Natural Area Preservation... Apply by:

Wednesday, February 27, 2013
5:00 AM
Ann Arbor, Michigan

An intern position with the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, Department of Parks and Recreation, Natural Area Preservation.


  • Establish and maintain a relationship with volunteers to gather survey data and feedback on NAP’s Herpetological Survey Programs
  • Manage and enter data supplied by volunteers
  • Assemble reports and summary tables of inventory progress and findings
  • Evaluate volunteer recruitment systems and make recommendations
  • Assist staff and volunteer leaders during in-field trainings and surveys
  • Coordinate materials for Herpetological Survey Kick-Offs & Trainings
  • Other Outreach and Inventory tasks as needed

*The majority of these responsibilities will be office-based.


  • Jr/Sr/Grad in Natural Resources, Biology, Community Relations, or related field
  • Friendly, outgoing personality, suitable for working with the public and volunteers; placing phone calls, writing emails, and in-person meetings
  • Familiarity with Microsoft Access databases,ArcGIS10, and Crystal Reports
  • Proficiency with Microsoft software suite
  • Specialized knowledge in herpetology, taxonomy, field identification, habitat requirements and life histories of Michigan species
  • Ability to work a flexible schedule, including nights and weekends
  • Excellent oral and written communication
  • Experience working with volunteers desired, but not required
  • Ability to work with minimal direct supervision and in a team environment

DATES OF INTERNSHIP: Flexible, up to 15 hours per week.

COMPENSATION: Unpaid or work-study.

TO APPLY:     Send resume, cover letter, and three references to Tina Roselle, Volunteer & Outreach Coordinator, Natural Area Preservation, 1831 Traver Rd.  Ann Arbor, MI 48105 or to [email protected], 734.794.6627by Wednesday, February 27th, 2013.