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Undergraduate Students


The information on this page and the content bar to the left is designed to help students navigate this ever-growing major. Please never hesitate to reach out to [email protected] with questions or concerns!

About the Cognitive Science Major

Cognitive Science is an interdepartmental major in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, jointly administered by the Departments of Linguistics, Philosophy, and Psychology.

As a Cognitive Science student at Michigan, you’ll examine the mind and brain from many perspectives, exploring how cognition is realized in humans, other biological systems, and even in machines. You’ll select one of four tracks of study — computation, decision, language, or philosophy.

The Cognitive Science major is intended for students interested in the behavioral and brain sciences with a combined focus and breadth not available in a major within any single department. The major is multidisciplinary but still offers students the opportunity to focus on their particular interests. Each major track includes  the gateway course COGSCI 200, three required courses specific to each track,, and six electives from a list of courses both in Cognitive Science and other relevant disciplines around the university.