Yes! Students who have two or more majors are allowed to share up to 3 courses between Cognitive Science and each of their other majors. (For example, if a student was majoring in Psychology, Cognitive Science, and Computer Science, they could share 3 courses between Cognitive Science and Psychology and 3 courses between Cognitive Science and Computer Science.) Furthermore, COGSCI 200 is a cognate course for majors such as BCN and Psych. Since COGSCI 200 is only a required prerequisite (but not a core course or elective), COGSCI 200 does not count towards the 3 courses that may double count with another major.
For students wishing to double major with majors such as Psychology and Linguistics, we encourage you to carefully consider the amount of coursework that overlaps between your CogSci track and your intended second major. For example, the Linguistics major requires LING 313, LING 315, and LING 316, all of which fulfill requirements on the Cognitive Science Language track. A student with a double major in Linguistics and the CogSci Language Track would likely use these courses as their three double-counted courses. However, there are many more courses that overlap between the two curricula. The student in this example would end up taking many courses that are listed on both curricula, but would have to designate some to count for Linguistics and some for CogSci (i.e., they’ll take a lot of Linguistics!) To mitigate this issue, consider choosing a CogSci track that will allow you to double count up to the three allotted courses, but doesn’t have so many overlapping courses that you will end up needing additional coursework.