The University of Michigan has set forth basic international travel requirements as part of the UM SPG 601.31. In November 2016, the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts set forth additional provisions as part of the “LSA International Travel Policy.” All members of the LSA community must comply with this policy. Any person (whether UM-affiliated or not) who may receive funding from an LSA unit or participates on an LSA-organized experience is also encompassed under this policy.

Students, faculty, and staff may not travel nor can funds be released from LSA departments until all requirements of the LSA Travel Policy have been met. These provisions go beyond those elaborated in the UM International Travel Policy and are intended to facilitate communication with and locating our travelers in an emergency, such as a natural or political critical incident. The full text of the LSA Travel Policy can be found at the link below:

LSA International Travel Policy   (last updated October 2018)

Who Falls Under the Policy?

LSA Students, Staff & Faculty must adhere to the additional requirements listed in the LSA International Travel Policy if their travel meets any of the criteria listed below in the definition of LSA-RT (LSA Related Travel).

Non-LSA students, faculty and staff are also required to comply with the LSA International Travel Policy if their travel meets the criteria below AND their travel is affiliated with an LSA unit (i.e. receiving funding, leading LSA students abroad, etc).

LSA-RT Definition

LSA-Related Travel is any travel that falls under the auspices of University of Michigan Related Travel or UMRT (originally defined in the University of Michigan SPG 601.31). Below are a few examples of when UM-RT would also be considered LSA-RT, and thus, travellers are required to complete the additional items in the LSA Travel Policy.


For Students:

  • Will receive any sort of financial support (scholarship, grant, etc.) from an LSA department for their time abroad
  • Will participate in an experience abroad that is necessary to achieve a degree requirement (i.e. dissertation research, internship, degree milestones)
  • Will be accompanied or led by an LSA faculty or staff member while abroad
  • Will travel on an experience or program that is organized or managed by an LSA unit
  • Will receive LSA ‘in-residence’ credit for the experience


For Faculty/Staff

  • Traveling abroad within the context of their job responsibilities
  • Will use research funding for travel that is managed through an LSA unit (i.e sponsored research projects, recruitment/retention funds, internal grants, discretionary accounts, etc.)
  • Attend an event abroad and the travel will be paid for by the institution extending the invitation 

Additional Information

Travel compliance and international health & safety resources / concerns for the College of LSA will be coordinated by the LSA International Travel team, who are stationed within the CGIS office (200 Weiser Hall).