iClicker is the audience response system supported by the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts (LSA), as well as several other colleges at the university. Student clickers, either hand-held remotes (Classic) or phones/tablets (Cloud) allow students to respond to questions/polls that the instructor displays.
iClicker is platform agnostic; it is not directly connected with your slides and can work with any program you use to display content, or even with questions written on a blackboard. Note that this means you will need to have questions prepared to display in some other way than iClicker itself! Adding them to your lecture slides is often the easiest option, but you can also write them on a blackboard/whiteboard, or even speak them aloud if they’re simple enough (e.g. a true/false question).
Instructional Uses
Read more about the instructional uses of iClicker here.
Pop Quizzes on Lectures
Breaking up a long lecture with questions that check student understanding of the content can help in really learning and processing the information.
Muddiest Point
If you are using Cloud, you can use a short-answer question to collect information on what points are still most unclear, by the end of a class session, and address those at the start of the next.
Group Report-out
After groups or pairs have discussed a problem or activity, they can use iClicker to report their conclusions.
Should you use iClicker Cloud or iClicker Classic?
For most instructors, we recommend iClicker Cloud as it provides access to your data anywhere as well as an online gradebook, additional question types, and is free for both instructors and students. It does, however, require that students have phones/devices out in class. Contact a Learning and Teaching Technology Consultant if you have questions about which iClicker to use and how to get started.
Getting Started
Select Cloud or Classic, below, to explore the essential features of each.
Sign up for email notifications of issues or updates with iClicker, on this form. This list is never shared with iClicker or any other 3rd party.
iClicker Cloud
iClicker Classic
Getting Help
The easiest way to keep up to date on changes in iClicker is to sign Up for iClicker Updates.
If you’d like to discuss how best to use iClicker in your courses, please feel free to request a consultation with the LSA Learning and Teaching Consultants.
If you have technical issue with iClicker, email [email protected], for troubleshooting help. You can also take a look at the iClicker help documents, or contact iClicker directly. Remember to say whether you’re using Classic or Cloud!