Hiroe Saruya receives ASA Graduate Student Paper Award
Hiroe Saruya was award the CBSM Section's award for Graduate Student Paper for her work entitled: "The Rise of Japan's First New Left: Bourdieusian Field Dynamics and the Emergence of Movement Organizations." The panel was impressed with the paper on both theoretical and empirical grounds.
The ASA Section on Collective Behavior and Social Movements (CBSM) was created in 1980 to foster the study of emergent and extra-institutional social forms and behavior, particularly crowds and social movements. Their interests run from disasters and riots to rumors and panics; from popular culture to strikes, revivals and revolutions. With over 800 members, CBSM is one of the ASA's largest and most active sections.
The Outstanding Graduate Student Paper Award: is any work (published or unpublished) written in 2012 by someone who is a student at the time of submission. Authors may submit their own work, or nominations may be made by others. The award will be presented in Denver, CO, Monday, August 20th.