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Tuesday, November 12, 2013
5:00 AM
4154 LSA Building

Come learn more about the Sociology Major and the many opportunities that are available for all students who are interested in Sociology!

Have you thought about majoring in Sociology? Taken a Sociology class and just want to learn more about how you can get involved in the department?  Come to our "Discover Sociology" event! There you'll learn a little about the Major in Sociology, meet some of our faculty and undergraduate students, and learn about the many opportunities available to our majors and to students who are just interested in sociological issues!  

We'll have guest speakers from the Department of Sociology, Project Community, The Program on Intergroup Relations, the Undergraduate Sociology Association, and the Career Center. Yes, there will be FREE FOOD!!!

Students should RSVP for this event by emailing [email protected].

Not able to attend but still want to learn more? You can always make an advising appointment to discuss your interests.