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- Recent work by LCTP faculty member Ben Safdi and his graduate student Chris Dessert on the hunt for Dark Matter has been reported on in the popular press.
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- LCTP Member Dragan Huterer quoted by NBC in Dark Energy article
- LCTP member Ben Safdi receives the IUPAP Young Scientist Prize
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- Minh Nguyen to Join LCTP Winter 2022
- LCTP Members Caught The Universe Suppressing Cosmic Structure Growth
- LCTP Members Caught The Universe Suppressing Cosmic Structure Growth
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A team of U-M and LCTP cosmologists - led by Minh Nguyen, LCTP Postdoctoral Fellow - found strong evidence for an anomalous growth of large-scale structure, and a hint for current tensions in cosmology. Their study, "Evidence for Suppression of Structure Growth in the Concordance Cosmological Model", was recently published on American Physics Society's (APS) Physical Review Letters as an Editor's Suggestion, and also selected for APS outreach-to-the-press program.
For more details, please refer to the original press release published on the Michigan News website.