Guidelines for submitting proposals to the LCTP
October 1, 2013
This document outlines some basic guidelines for the preparation and submission of proposals to the LCTP.
Proposal submission
- The LCTP welcomes proposals for the Center's activities from its entire membership. However, all proposals must be sponsored by at least one full member.
- Activities encouraged by the Center include (but are not limited to) organizing conferences and workshops, and inviting collaborators to the Center.
- Proposals for faculty travel, expenses and publication costs, as well as costs traditionally covered by individual grants are discouraged. Requests for tuition support are also discouraged. At present, support for postdocs is unlikely.
- The standard funding cycle for proposals is the LCTP fiscal year (1 July to 30 June.) The deadline this year for proposal submission is March 31, though this may be revisited in future years. Additional requests may be explicitly solicited in conjunction with deadlines from funding agencies.
- So long as funds are available, proposals submitted outside the standard time-frame will be considered on an ad hoc basis. Requests of up to $1500 will be considered on a rolling basis.
- Members should be aware that the LCTP has limited funds available for sponsored programs. Yet at the same time it aims to maximize the reach of its activities. To further such goals, all proposers of workshops and conferences are expected to make a good faith effort in securing additional funding to supplement that of the LCTP.
Reporting requirements
- All publications resulting from sponsored activities must acknowledge the LCTP by name (i.e. “This research/activity was supported in part by the Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics”). Similarly, members must include the LCTP byline on such publications.
- A brief summary of the project highlighting the major achievements must be submitted within three months after the end of the fiscal year funding period,
- All unspent funds revert back to the LCTP at the conclusion of the sponsored program. However, members may apply for a no-cost extension of up to three months after the end of the program/project.