- About Us
- About Us
The Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics (LCTP) is an organization based in the Physics Department of the University of Michigan. The LCTP’s primary aim is to promote excellence in research in theoretical particle physics and cosmology through a program of workshops, conferences, seminars, and collaborative and individual research. It also aims to educate graduate and undergraduate students in theoretical physics and to communicate its activities to the general public through public lectures and other outreach activities.
Bylaws (dated October 2017)
Article I Name
The name of the organization shall be: The Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics.
Article II Purpose
The Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics (LCTP) is an organization based in the Physics Department of the University of Michigan. The LCTP’s primary aim is to promote excellence in research in theoretical particle physics and cosmology through a program of workshops, conferences, seminars, and collaborative and individual research. It also aims to educate graduate and undergraduate students in theoretical physics and to communicate its activities to the general public through public lectures and other outreach activities.
Article III Membership
There will be two classes of Membership: Full Members and Associate Members.
- Eligibility for Full Membership: Full Members must be physics department faculty at the University of Michigan. The Full Membership will automatically include all theoretical particle physics and cosmology faculty (so defined by the Physics Department). Full Membership shall be subject to review by the Director and the Executive Committee. In cases where it is believed a member is no longer actively involved with the Center and after consultation with the member, that member's Full Membership may be revoked, which will nullify automatic Membership for theoretical physics faculty. A member whose Full Membership has been revoked can apply for readmission as a Full Member after a one year period.
- Eligibility for Associate Membership: Associate Membership is open to postdoctoral associates and graduate students working in the groups of full members. Associate Membership extends until the completion of a member’s appointment at the University of Michigan. Associate membership can also be extended to U-M emeritus theory faculty or faculty at other institutions who maintain an active relationship with the University. These invitations can be extended for three-year terms (renewable) at the discretion of the executive committee.
- Rights of Full Members: Full Members have the right to vote and hold office. In particular, they may vote on the selection of the Executive Committee. Full Members may both propose and participate in the activities of the Center. With the approval of the Director and the Executive Committee, they may also apply for grants associated with the Center's activities.
- Rights of Associate Members: Associate Members may participate in the activities of the Center, and claim affiliation with the LCTP, but have no voting rights.
- Equal Opportunity: Eligibility for Membership or appointed or elected officer positions may not be limited by race, color, national origin, age, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, disability, religion, height, weight, or veteran status.
Article IV Officers & Duties
The officers shall be:
- Director
- A three Member Executive Committee which includes the director and two at large members.
- Associate Directors (as deemed necessary) may be appointed by the Director. The Associate Directors will act in advisory capacity to the Director and will be non-voting Members of the Executive Committee.
- Eligibility: To be eligible for office candidates must be Full Members of the LCTP.
- Director: The Director is appointed by Physics Department Chair after consultation with full members of the LCTP and approval by the dean of the LS&A. Consultation with the Full Members shall consist of the following procedure that takes place during a regular or special meeting (see Article V). Nominations for Director are made by Full Members, and the nominee must agree to appear on the slate. (The nominee need not be in attendance at the meeting but if not, the nominee’s agreement to appear on the slate must be secured beforehand.) Once the slate is established, each Full Member in attendance casts a secret vote. The two top candidates and their vote tallies, as well as the number of Full Members who voted, are reported to the Physics Department Chair. This Director selection process occurs whenever a Director's term expires or the position becomes vacant.
- Elections for Office: Members of the Executive Committee (not including the director) shall be elected by the Full Members. Elections will be held each fall at a general meeting of the Full Members of the Center. At the election meeting, nominations for each open position will be taken from the floor without limit. Voting will then take place by secret ballot. On each ballot the nominee receiving the fewest votes (including ties) will be eliminated and this procedure will be continued until one candidate receives a majority of votes of those present. The procedure is repeated for each open position.
- Executive Committee: The Executive Committee will consist of the director, along with two at-large members. A balance of membership across fields of research interest is desirable when possible.
- Term of Office: Directors serve for three-year terms which may be renewable via the procedure describing in (Article IV,2) above. The at-large Members of the Executive Committee shall serve for two-year terms, which begin immediately following election and are renewable via future elections.
- Vacancies: Vacancies on the Executive Committee due to resignation of elected officers shall be filled by the Director in consultation with the Chair of the physics department. Vacancies during sabbatical leave or duty off campus shall be filled as needed by the Director in consultation with the Chair of the physics department. These replacements may serve until the election held at the next general meeting of the full members.
- Removal from Office: In extraordinary circumstances elected officers may be removed from office by the Physics Department Chair, in consultation with the Director, Executive Committee, and Dean if appropriate. The Director may be removed from office by the Physics Department Chair in consultation with the Dean and LCTP Executive Committee.
- Duties: The Director has day-to-day responsibilities for the LCTP, including carrying out its goals and policies. The Director convenes Executive Committee meetings as well as general meetings of the membership. The Director and the Executive Committee shall solicit proposals for the Center's activities from the Full Membership. Proposals must be sponsored by one or more Full Members. Outside participation in proposals is encouraged. Responsibility for the budget and the scientific program, including choice of visitors, choice of workshops and conferences rests with the Director in consultation with the Executive Committee.
Article V Meetings
- Regular meetings of the organization: At least one meeting will be called by the Director each year with at least two weeks advanced notice given to the entire membership. Two weeks before each general meeting there will be a call for agenda items.
- Special Meetings: Special meetings may be called by the Director and also by the Executive Committee as deemed necessary, or upon request in writing by at least six full Members of the LCTP. Special meetings may take place during the fall and winter semesters and during the spring or summer terms only under extraordinary circumstances.
- Agenda: Agendas for meetings will be prepared by the Director and the Executive Committee, and will be distributed in advance of the meeting.
- Quorum: A quorum for any properly announced regular or special meeting shall be those present.
Article VI Powers
- Sub-committees: The Director and the Executive Committee may appoint sub-committees as deemed appropriate.
- Non-Profit Status: The center will operate as a non-profit association and no profits may accrue to any individual within the organization from the organization’s activities.
- Majority vote: Unless otherwise provided in these bylaws, decisions of the organization will be made by a simple majority of those present and voting, with those abstaining from the vote not figuring into the determination of the majority required.
- Voting body: For the purposes of any vote, the determination of the current eligible voting Membership shall be the Full Membership of the organization.
Article VII Amendment of Bylaws
- Ratification: These bylaws may be ratified by a two-thirds vote at a meeting of the Full Members of the LCTP.
- Amendments: The bylaws may be amended at a meeting of the Full Members of the organization by a two-thirds vote of those present.
The Leinweber Center for Theoretical Physics was endowed by the Leinweber Foundation in 2017. It was previously known as the Michigan Center for Theoretical Physics, which was inaugurated by the University of Michigan in 2001. Over its history, it has brought over 2500 visitors to the Ann Arbor campus for workshops, conferences, summer schools, and visits. Over time, it has evolved to specialize on fundamental questions related to theoretical particle physics and cosmology.
Below are records for the center, dating back to its inception.